Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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To<br />

3 1 2 Material for Instructions. [PART n.<br />

him of human misery, and to make him humble in the<br />

sublimity of his revelations.&quot; Hence St. Gregory con<br />

cludes: preserve chastity in all its splendor we must<br />

place it under the care of 2<br />

humility.&quot;<br />

Let us here make<br />

another reflection. To humble the pride of the people<br />

of Egypt, the Lord sent not bears and lions, but frogs to<br />

molest them. What do I mean ? God permits us to be<br />

annoyed by certain little expressions, by certain little<br />

aversions, by certain trifles, that we may know our<br />

miseries and may humble ourselves.<br />


Secondly, it is necessary to guard against glorying in<br />

we are raised<br />

any good that we may do, particularly if<br />

to the height of the priesthood. The offices intrusted<br />

to us are very great. To us is<br />

given the great office of<br />

to God the sacrifice of his own Son. To us is<br />

offering<br />

confided the care of reconciling sinners with God, by<br />

preaching, and by the administration of the sacraments:<br />

He hath given to its the ministry of reconciliation? We are<br />

ambassadors and vicars of Jesus Christ, and are made<br />

the tongues of the Holy Ghost: For Christ therefore we<br />

are ambassadors, God as it were exhorting by us? St. Jerome<br />

says that the highest mountains are most violently as<br />

sailed by the tempest: the more exalted, then, is our<br />

dignity, the more we are exposed to the molestation of<br />

vainglory. We are esteemed by all, we are respected as<br />

men of learning, and as saints. He who stands on a<br />

great height is in danger of dizziness.<br />

Ad revelationum humiliandam superbiam, monitor quidam humanse<br />

imbecillitatis apponitur.&quot; Ep. ad Paulam.<br />

2 &quot;Per humilitatis custodiam servanda est munditia castitatis.&quot;<br />

Mor. \. 26,<br />

per<br />

c. ii.<br />

Dedit nobis ministerium reconciliationis.&quot; 2 Cor. v. 18.<br />

4 &quot;Pro Christo ergo legatione fungimur, tamquam Deo exhortante<br />

nos.&quot; //;. 20.

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