Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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Non<br />

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CHAP, x.i The Vocation to the Priesthood. 191<br />

parents seek to be obeyed in this matter we must answer<br />

them in the words of the apostles to the princes of the<br />

Jews: If it be just in the sight of God to hear you rather<br />

1<br />

than God) judge ye.<br />

St. Thomas expressly teaches that in the ohoice of<br />

a state of life children are not obliged to obey their<br />

parents. And the saint says that when there is question<br />

of a vocation to religion, a person is not bound even to<br />

consult his relatives;<br />

for on such occasions self-interest<br />

changes relatives into enemies. 2 Parents are, as St.<br />

Bernard says, content to see their children damned with<br />

them, rather than see them saved by entering religion<br />

and separating from the family.<br />

3<br />

But when a person<br />

wishes to enter the sacerdotal state, in which he may be<br />

able to serve the family, what efforts do not his parents<br />

make to procure his ordination, either by lawful or un<br />

lawful means, whether he is called or not called to the<br />

!<br />

priesthood And with what severity do they not treat<br />

him if, through remorse of conscience, he refuse to take<br />

holy orders ! Barbarous fathers! Let us, with St. Ber<br />

nard, call them not parents, but murderers! 4<br />

Unhappy<br />

fathers! miserable children! I<br />

say again. How many<br />

shall we see condemned in the valley of Josaphat for<br />

having interfered with the vocation of others, or for<br />

not having attended to their own! For, as we shall<br />

hereafter demonstrate, the salvation of each individual<br />

depends on following the divine call.<br />

But let us return to our subject. Neither nobility of<br />

birth nor the will of parents are marks of a vocation to<br />

&quot;Si<br />

justum est, in conspectu Dei, vos potius audire quam Deum,<br />

judicate.&quot; Acts, iv. 19.<br />

Propinqui autem carnis, in hoc proposito.amici nonsunt, sed potius<br />

inimici, juxta sententiam Domini: Inimici hominis, domestic! ejus.<br />

Contra retr. a. reL c. 9.<br />

O durum pattern, o saevam matrem, quorum consolatio mors filii<br />

est; qui me malunt perirecum eis, quam regnare sine eis!&quot;<br />

Epist. in.<br />

4<br />

&quot;<br />

parentes, sed peremptores.&quot;

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