Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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INSTR. x.] The Love of God. 407<br />

have fled into the desert, others have shut themselves<br />

up in the cloister, and others have suffered torments<br />

and death. Let us also who are priests, and are bound<br />

by stricter obligations to sanctity,<br />

unite ourselves to<br />

the divine will; let us become saints; let us not be<br />

diffident on account of past sins. God does not at<br />

tend,&quot; says St. Bernard, to what man does, but to what<br />

he wishes to be.&quot; resolute will, with the divine aid,<br />

conquers all things.<br />

Let us pray always: he who asks, receives: For every<br />

one that asketh, receiveth? Whatsoever we ask in prayer,<br />

we shall obtain: You shall ask whatever you will, and it<br />

shall be done unto you? And among all prayers,<br />

let the<br />

beautiful prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola be always<br />

dear to us; let us repeat it continually: me &quot;Grant only<br />

Thy love with Thy grace, O Lord! and I shall be rich<br />

enough. Lord, give me your love and your grace,<br />

and I desire nothing more. But, like St. Augustine,<br />

we must ask this gift of divine love continually and<br />

earnestly. The holy Doctor says:<br />

&quot;Hear me, hear me,<br />

O my God, my King, my Father, my honor, my salva<br />

tion, my light, my life, hear, hear me! Thee only do I<br />

love, Thee only do I seek. Heal me, and open my eyes.<br />

Look upon him who has fled from Thee; long enough<br />

have I served Thy enemy. Command that I<br />

may be a<br />

lover of Thy<br />

pure, a perfect<br />

wisdom.&quot;<br />

And in asking<br />

Non attendit Deus quid fecerit homo, sed quid velit^sse.&quot;<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Omnis enim qui petit, accipit.&quot; Matth, vii. 8.<br />

3 &quot;Quodcunque volueritis, petetis, et fiet vobis.<br />

satis.&quot;<br />

-Jo/in, xv. 7.<br />

tui solum cum gratia tua mihi dones, et dives sum<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Exaudi, exaudi, exaudi me, Deus meus, Rex meus, Pater meus,<br />

Honor meus, Salus mea, Lux mea, Vita mea! exaudi, exaudi, exaudi<br />

me. Jam te solum amo, te solum quaero. Sana et aperi oculos meos.<br />

Recipe fugitivum tuuir.; satis inimicis tuis servierim. .<br />

Jubeas<br />

purum perfectumque amatorem esse sapientiae<br />

tuae.&quot; Solil. 1. i, c. i.<br />


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