Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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464 Appendix.<br />

word full and substantial, which in making itself heard,<br />

produces the effect that it signifies, and is not only an<br />

exhortation, but a power that makes others act rightly.<br />

Where, in fact, have the saints learned to love God if<br />

it was not in mental prayer<br />

? Where did a St. Philip<br />

Neri receive a love so ardent, that his poor heart, not<br />

being able to support it, two ribs expanded<br />

so as to<br />

give more space to its palpitations<br />

? Where was a St.<br />

Peter of Alcantara inflamed with such a love for God<br />

that, in order not to die of this love, he was obliged to<br />

go into the field, and sometimes throw himself upon the<br />

ice ? Where was a St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi in<br />

flamed with the same she fire, going nearly out of her<br />

self on account of this love ? Where was a St. Teresa<br />

wounded, she who has written of herself, that when<br />

she began to practise mental prayer, only then she be<br />

gan to feel what it is to love God ?<br />

Ah! dear Fathers, let us not think that mental prayer<br />

is an exercise only peculiar to solitaries, and not to<br />

those that are occupied in an active life. Tertullian calls<br />

all priests persons devoted to prayer and contempla<br />

tion.&quot; The Apostles were not solitaries; they were<br />

very great workers of the Gospel throughout the world.<br />

Now what did they do in order to have time to devote<br />

themselves to mental prayer? They appointed deacons<br />

who were charged with the care of inferior things, and<br />

they said: But we will give ourselves continually to prayer,<br />

and to the ministry of the word? Note the words, prayer and<br />

the ministry of the word; at first prayer, and then preach<br />

ing, because without prayer we can do no good. What<br />

matters it that we are not solitaries, called to a con<br />

templative life? If we wish to sanctify ourselves by<br />

becoming good evangelical laborers, it will be neces-<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Genus deditum oration! et contemplation!.&quot;<br />

2<br />

Nos vero orationi &quot; et ministerio verbi instantes erimus.<br />

Acts,<br />

vi. 4.

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