Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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CHAP, in.]<br />

Sanctity Necessary for the Priest. 49<br />

In this,&quot; says St. Leo,<br />

a Christian consists, that<br />

he<br />

gets rid of the earthly and puts on the heavenly man.&quot;<br />

Hence Jesus Christ has said: Be you therefore perfect, as<br />

also your heavenly Father is perfect? But the sanctity of<br />

the priest should be very different from that of seculars.<br />

Between priests and the rest of men,&quot; says St. Ambrose,<br />

there should be nothing in common as to works and<br />

as to conduct.&quot; And the : saint adds, that as greater<br />

grace is given to the priest, so his life should be more<br />

4<br />

holy than that of seculars. And St. Isidore of Pelusium<br />

says that between the sanctity of a priest and a good<br />

secular the difference should be as great as between<br />

heaven and earth. 5<br />

St. Thomas teaches that every one is<br />

obliged<br />

to prac<br />

tise what is suited to the state that he has chosen. 8<br />

And according to St. Augustine, a man by entering the<br />

ecclesiastical state imposes on himself the obligation<br />

of being holy. 7 And Cassiodorus calls the clerical pro<br />

fession a heavenly life. 8 The priest is, as Thomas a<br />

Kempis says, bound to greater perfection than all<br />

others, 9 because the priesthood<br />

is the most sublime of<br />

1 &quot;Dum terreni hominis imago deponitur, et coelestis forma suscipitur.&quot;<br />

De Pass. s. 14.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Estote ergo vos perfecti, sicut et Pater vester coelestis perfectus<br />

ts\.&quot;Matth. v. 48.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Nihil in Sacerdote commune cum studio atque<br />

usu multitudinis.&quot;<br />

Epist. 6.<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Debet praeponderare vita sacerdotis, sicut<br />

praeponderat gratia.&quot;<br />

Epist. 82.<br />

6<br />

Tantum inter &quot; Sacerdotem et quemlibet probum interesse debet,<br />

6 &quot;<br />

quantum inter ccelum et terram discriminis est.&quot; Epist. 1. 2, ep. 205.<br />

Quicunque profitetur statum aliquem, tenetur ad ea quse illi<br />

statui conveniunt.&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

7<br />

Clericus duas res professus est, et sanctitatem et clericatum.&quot;<br />

Semi. 355, E. B.<br />

Professio clericorum, vita ccelestis.&quot;<br />

Sacerdos ad majorem tenetur perfectionem sanctitatis.&quot; Imit.<br />

Chr. 1. 4, c. 5.<br />


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