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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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Non<br />

&quot;<br />

He<br />

&quot;<br />

206 Material for Sermons. [PART i.<br />

that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold,<br />

. . . the same<br />

is a thief and a robber?<br />

Some may say, if they only were admitted to orders<br />

who have the marks of vocation which have been laid<br />

down as indispensable, there should be but few priests<br />

in the Church, and the people should be left without the<br />

necessary helps. But to this the Fourth Council of<br />

Lateran has answered: &quot;It is much better to confer the<br />

priesthood on a small number of virtuous clerics than to<br />

have a large number of bad priests.&quot;<br />

2<br />

And St. Thomas<br />

says that God never abandons his Church so as to leave<br />

her in want of fit ministers to provide for the necessity<br />

3<br />

of the people. St. Leo justly says that to provide for<br />

the wants of the people by bad priests would be not to<br />

save but to destroy them. 4<br />

If, then, a priest has been ordained without a vocation,<br />

what must he do? 5 Must he look on himself as lost?<br />

must he abandon himself to despair? No. St. Gregory<br />

has asked the same question. He answers: He must<br />

lament.&quot; Behold what such a priest must do if he<br />

wish to save his soul:<br />

he must<br />

must lament;&quot;<br />

6<br />

weep, and seek to appease the anger of God by tears<br />

and by repentance, and to move him to pardon the great<br />

sin that he committed in thrusting himself into the<br />

sanctuary without a divine call. He must, as St. Bernard<br />

exhorts, endeavor to attain after his ordination the<br />

sanctity of life which ought to precede He it.<br />

7 must<br />

&quot; 1<br />

. . .<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Qui non intrat per ostium, ille fur est et latro. Fur non<br />

venit nisi ut furetur, et mactet, et perdat.&quot; John, x. i-io.<br />

Satius est maxime in ordinatione sacerdotum paucos bonos quam<br />

multos malos habere.&quot; Cap. 27.<br />

Deus nunquam ita deserit Ecclesiam suam, quin inveniantur<br />

idonei ministri sufficientes ad necessitatem plebis.&quot; Suppl. q. 36, a. 4.<br />

&quot;<br />

4<br />

est hoc consulere populis, sed nocere.&quot; Epist. 87.<br />

5 &quot;<br />

6 &quot;<br />

1<br />

Sacerdos sum non vocatus;<br />

Ingemiscendum.&quot;<br />

quid faciendum?&quot;<br />

&quot;Si vitse sanctitas non praecessit, sequatur<br />


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