Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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22O Material for Instructions. [PART n.<br />

In my Moral Theology<br />

I have shown, by the author<br />

ity of many theologians, that to celebrate Mass in less<br />

than a quarter of an hour cannot be excused from<br />

grievous sin. This doctrine rests on two reasons: first,<br />

the irreverence that in so short a Mass is offered to the<br />

holy sacrifice;<br />

secondly, the scandal that is given to the<br />

people.<br />

As to the reverence due to the sacrifice, we have ad<br />

duced the words of the Council of Trent, commanding<br />

priests to celebrate Mass with the greatest possible de<br />

votion: All industry and diligence are to be applied<br />

that it be performed with the greatest possible outward<br />

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show of devotion and piety.&quot;<br />

The Council adds, that to<br />

neglect even this external devotion due to the sacrifice<br />

is a species of impiety: Irreverence that can hardly be<br />

separated from impiety. As the due performance of<br />

the ceremonies constitutes reverence, so to perform them<br />

badly is an irreverence which, when grievous,<br />

is a mor<br />

tal sin. And to perform the ceremonies with the rever<br />

ence due to so great a sacrifice, it is not enough to go<br />

through them; for some who are very quick in their<br />

articulation and motions may be able to perform the<br />

ceremonies in less than a quarter of an hour, but it is<br />

necessary to perform them with becoming gravity,<br />

which belongs intrinsically to the reverence due to the<br />

Mass.<br />

To celebrate Mass in so short a time is also a grievous<br />

sin on account of the scandal given to the people who<br />

are present. And here it is<br />

necessary to consider what the<br />

same Council of Trent says in another place, that the<br />

ceremonies have been instituted by the Church in order<br />

. mor. 1. 6, n. 400.<br />

Omnem operam ponendam esse, ut quanta maxima fieri potest<br />

exteriori devotionis ac pietatis specie peragatur. Deer, de obs. in M.<br />

22.<br />

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Irreverentia, quae ab impietate vix sejuncta esse potest.&quot; Sess.

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