Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

INSTR. vi.]<br />

Humility. 3 1 3<br />

How many priests<br />

have fallen into precipices because<br />

they were not humble! Montanus rought wr miracles,<br />

and he afterwards through ambition became a heresiarch.<br />

Tatian wrote at great length and with great suc<br />

cess against the pagans, and through pride he fell into<br />

heresy. Brother Justin, a Franciscan, attained the high<br />

est degree of contemplation, and he afterwards died an<br />

apostate from religion, and was lost. In the life of Palemon<br />

we read that a certain monk walked on fire and<br />

boasted of it, saying to his companions, Which of you<br />

can walk on red-hot coals without being burnt? St.<br />

Palemon corrected him, but the unhappy man, being full<br />

of himself, fell into sin, and died in<br />

that miserable state.<br />

A proud spiritual man is the worst of robbers; because<br />

he usurps not earthly goods, but the glory of God.<br />

Hence, St. Francis was accustomed to say: Lord! if Thou<br />

givest any good, watch over it; otherwise I will steal it<br />

from Thee. Thus we priests must pray, and say with<br />

St, Paul: By the grace of God I am what la///. 1 For of<br />

ourselves we are incapable not only of doing good<br />

works, but of even having a good thought: Not that we<br />

are sufficient to thinking anything of ourselves?<br />

Hence the Lord says to us: When you shall have done<br />

all these things that are commanded you, say: IVe are unprofit<br />

able servants: we have done that which we ought<br />

to do? Of<br />

what use can all our works be to God ? What need can<br />

he have of our possessions<br />

? / have said to the Lord, said<br />

David, Thou art my God, for Thou hast no need of my goods?<br />

And Job said: If thou do justly, . . . what sJiall Jic receive<br />

Gratia autem Dei sum id quod<br />

sum.&quot; i Cor, xv. 10.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Non quod sufficientes simus cogitare aliquid a nobis.&quot; 2. Cor.<br />

iii. 5-<br />

3 &quot;Cum feceritis omnia quae praecepta sunt vobis, dicite: Servi inutiles<br />

sumus; quod debuimus facere, fecimus.&quot; Luke, xvii. 10.<br />

4<br />

Deus meus es &quot;<br />

tu, quoniam bonorum meorum non eges.&quot;<br />

Ps.<br />

xv. 2.

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