Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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INSTR. i.] Tke Celebration of Mass. 213<br />

II.<br />

The Preparation for<br />

Mass.<br />

In the first place, then, the priest must make his prep<br />

aration before Mass.<br />

Before we come to practice, I ask how does it<br />

happen<br />

that there are so many priests in the world and so few<br />

holy priests? St. Francis de Sales 1 called the Mass a<br />

mystery which comprises the entire abyss of divine love.<br />

St. John Chrysostom used to say that the most holy<br />

sacrament of the altar is the treasure of all God s<br />

benig<br />

nity. 2 There is no doubt that the Holy Eucharist has<br />

been instituted for all the faithful, but it is a gift be<br />

stowed in a special manner on priests. Give not, says<br />

our Lord, addressing priests, that which is holy to dogs ;<br />

neither cast ye your pearls before swine. 6<br />

Mark the words<br />

your pearls. In the Greek the consecrated particles are<br />

called pearls ; but these pearls are called, as it were, the<br />

property of priests: your pearls. Hence, as St. John<br />

Chrysostom says, every priest should leave the altar all<br />

inflamed with divine love, so as to strike terror into the<br />

powers of hell: Like lions breathing forth fire should<br />

we leave that table, so that we may become terrible to<br />

4<br />

the devil.&quot; But this is not the case. The greater num<br />

ber depart from the altar always more tepid, more im<br />

patient, proud, jealous, and more attached to self-esteem,<br />

to self-interest, and to earthly pleasures. The defect<br />

5<br />

is not in the food,&quot; says Cardinal Bona. The defect<br />

1<br />

Introd. p. 2, ch. 14.<br />

Dicendo Eucharistiam, omnem benignitatis Dei thesaurum<br />

2 &quot;<br />

aperio.&quot;<br />

In I Cor. horn. 24.<br />

Nolite dare sanctum canibus, neque mittatis margaritas vestras<br />

ante porcos.&quot;<br />

Matt. vii. 6.<br />

4<br />

Tamquam leones ignem &quot;<br />

spirantes ab ilia mensa recedamus.<br />

facti diabolo terribiles.&quot; Ad pop. Ant. horn. 61.<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Defectus non in cibo est, sed in edentis dispositione<br />

Sacr. M. c. 6, 6,<br />


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