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Untitled - Saints' Books


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INSTR. in.] The Chastity of the Priest. 251<br />

means shall be unprofitable unless we carefully watch<br />

over the eyes. Tertullian 1 relates that a certain pagan<br />

philosopher plucked out his eyes in order to preserve<br />

chastity. This is not lawful for us. But if we wish to<br />

avoid sins against purity we must abstain from looking<br />

at women, and still more from looking at them a second<br />

time. To look at dangerous objects, says St. Francis<br />

de Sales, is not so hurtful to us as to repeat the look.<br />

And St. John Chrysostom adds, that it is<br />

necessary to<br />

from women whose dress<br />

turn away the eyes not only<br />

or manner is immodest, but even from those whose de<br />

meanor is full of modesty. 2 Hence holy Job made a<br />

compact with his eyes not to look at any woman, even<br />

at a chaste virgin; because he knew from looks evil<br />

thoughts arise: / made a covenant with my eyes that I<br />

would not so much as think upon a virgin? Ecclesiasticus<br />

advises us to imitate the example of Job. Gaze not upon<br />

a maiden, lest her beauty be a stumbling-block to thee? St.<br />

Augustine says: From looks spring evil thoughts; the<br />

thoughts produce a certain carnal delectation, though<br />

indeliberate. To this indeliberate delectation succeeds<br />

the consent of the will;<br />

5<br />

and, behold, the soul is lost.<br />

Cardinal Hugo remarks that the Apostle commanded<br />

women to keep their heads veiled in the church because<br />

of the angels? that is, because of priests, lest looking at<br />

their faces they should be 7<br />

tempted to lust. Even while<br />

1<br />

Apolog. c. 46.<br />

&quot;Animus feritur et commovetur, non impudicae tantum intuitu, sed<br />

etiam pudicae.&quot; De Sacerd. 1. 6.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Pepigi foedus cum oculis meis, ut ne cogitarem quidem de virgine.&quot;<br />

Job,<br />

xxxi. i.<br />

&quot;<br />

Virginem ne conspicias, ne forte scandalizeris in decore illius.&quot;<br />

Ecclus. ix. 5.<br />

&quot;Visum sequitur cogitatio, cogitationem delectatio, delectationem<br />

consensus.&quot;<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Propter Angelos.&quot;<br />

1<br />

&quot;<br />

Propter Angelos, id est, Sacerdotes, ne, in ejus faciem inspicientes,<br />

moverentur ad libidinem.&quot; In i Cor. xi. 10.

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