Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

128 Material for Sermons. [PARTI.<br />

worthy of receiving the divine flesh as the heart of a<br />

sacrilegious priest. The 1<br />

sacrilegious priest, then, says<br />

St. Vincent Ferror, is guilty of greater impiety than if<br />

he cast the most holy sacrament into a sink. 2<br />

Such, too,<br />

is the doctrine of St. Thomas of Villanova. 3<br />

The sins of a priest are always most grievous on<br />

account of the injury that they do to God, who has<br />

chosen him for his own minister, and has heaped so<br />

many favors upon him. It is one thing, says St.<br />

Peter Damian, to violate the laws of a sovereign, and<br />

another to strike him with your own hands. This is<br />

what the priest does that offers sacrifice in the state of<br />

mortal sin. It is one thing to transgress edicts which<br />

the king has promulgated, and another to wound him<br />

with our own hands. No one sins more grievously than<br />

When we sin<br />

the priest that offers sacrifice unworthily.<br />

in any other way we, as it were, injure God in his prop<br />

erty, but when we unworthily offer sacrifice we dare to<br />

lay violent hands upon his person. 4<br />

This was the sin of<br />

the Jews who had the daring audacity to offer violence<br />

to the person of Jesus Christ. But St. Augustine teaches<br />

that the sin of the priest that offers sacrifice unworthily<br />

is still more grievous:<br />

&quot;Those that unworthily offer<br />

Jesus Christ in heaven sin more grievously than the<br />

Jews who crucified him when he w r as upon earth. 5<br />

The<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Lutum non adeo indignum est corpore divino, quam indignaest<br />

carnis tuae impuritas.&quot;<br />

In Pleb. 10, 16.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Christi in cloacam.&quot;<br />

Majus peccatum est, quam si projiceret corpus<br />

3<br />

&quot;Quantum flagitium sit in spurcissimam pectoris<br />

Christi sanguinem fundere.&quot; De Sacram. alt. cone. 3.<br />

tui cloacam<br />

&quot;<br />

4<br />

Aliud est promulgata edicta negligere, aliud ipsum regem<br />

vibrato propriae manus jaculo sanciare. Deterius nemo peccat, quam<br />

Sacerdos qui indigne sacrificat: aliter in quocumque modo peccantes,<br />

quasi Dominum in rebus ejus offendimus; indigne vero sacrificantes,<br />

velut in personam ejus manus injicere non timemus.&quot; Opusc. 26, c. 2.<br />

5<br />

&quot;<br />

Minus peccaverunt Judaei crucifigen es in terra deambulantem,<br />

quam qui contemnunt in coelo sedentem. In Ps. 68, s. 2.

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