Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

Once<br />

CHAP, vi.] The Sin of Incontinence. \ 1<br />

7<br />

I ask of you, go to such a lady, tell her that I die for the<br />

love of her. Can greater blindness be conceived ?<br />


In the second place, the sin of impurity produces ob<br />

stinacy of the will.<br />

fallen into the snare of the<br />

devil, one cannot so easily escape it,&quot; says St. Jerome.<br />

And according to St. Thomas, there is no sin in which<br />

the devil takes so much delight as in impurity; because<br />

the flesh is<br />

strongly inclined to that vice, and he that<br />

5<br />

falls into it can be rescued from it<br />

only with difficulty. 2<br />

Hence the vice of incontinence has been called by<br />

Clement of Alexandria &quot;a<br />

malady without remedy;&quot;<br />

and by Tertullian,<br />

&quot;an incurable vice.&quot; Hence St.<br />

Cyprian calls it the mother of impenitence. 5 &quot;<br />

It is im<br />

possible,&quot; says Peter de Blois, u for him that submits to<br />

the domination of the flesh to conquer carnal tempta<br />

tions.&quot; Father Biderman relates of a young man, who<br />

was in the habit of relapsing into this sin, that at the<br />

hour of death he confessed his sins with many tears and<br />

died, leaving strong grounds to hope for his salvation.<br />

But on the following day his confessor, while saying<br />

Mass, felt some one pulling the chasuble; turning round<br />

he saw a dark cloud, which sent forth scintillations of<br />

fire, and heard a voice saying that was the soul of the<br />

young man that had died; that though he had been ab<br />

solved from his sins, he twas again tempted, yielded to a<br />

bad thought, and was damned.<br />

&quot; 1<br />

&quot;<br />

2<br />

Hoc rete diaboli, si quis capitur, non cito solvitur.&quot;<br />

Eusebius,<br />

Ep, ad Dam. de morte Hier.<br />

Diabolus dicitur maxima gaudere de peccato luxuriae, quia est<br />

rnaximse adhaerentiae, et difficile ab eo homo potest eripi.&quot; i. 2, q. 73,<br />

a. 5.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Morbus immedicabilis.&quot; Pccdag. 1. 2, c. 10.<br />

4<br />

Vitium &quot;<br />

immutabile.&quot;<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Impudicitia mater est impoenitentiae.&quot; De Disc, et Bon. pud.<br />

Est fere impossibile triumphare de carne, si ipsa de nobis triumphavit.&quot;

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