Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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3&amp;lt;&amp;lt;<br />

Sancti<br />

&quot;<br />

56 Material for Sermons. [PART i.<br />

born for God, not for himself.&quot; That is, a priest<br />

should disregard his conveniencies, his interests, and<br />

amusements; he should consider that from the day that<br />

he has received the priesthood, he belongs not to him<br />

self, but to God; and should attend only to the interests<br />

of God. The Lord evidently wishes his priests to be<br />

pure and holy; that being cleansed from every defect,<br />

they may approach the altar to offer sacrifice to him:<br />

And, says the Prophet Malachy, He shall sit refining and<br />

cleansing the silver, andHe shall purify the sons of Levi, and<br />

shall refine them as gold and as silver, and they shall offer<br />

sacrifices to the Lord in justice? In the book of Leviticus<br />

he says: They shall be holy to their God, and shall not pro<br />

fane His name; for they offer the burnt offerings of the Lord,<br />

and the bread of their 3<br />

God, and therefore they shall be holy.<br />

The priests of the Old Law, then, were commanded to<br />

be holy, because they offered to God incense and the<br />

loaves of proposition, that were but a figure of the most<br />

holy Sacrament of the altar. How much greater should<br />

be the purity and sanctity of the priests of the New Law<br />

that offer to God the immaculate Lamb, his own very<br />

Son ? Estius says that we do not offer calves or in<br />

cense, as the priests of the Old Law did, but the body<br />

of Christ who was hanging on the cross.&quot; Hence<br />

Bellarmine says:<br />

&quot;Woe be to us miserable beings, to<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Verus minister altaris Deo, non sibi, natus est.&quot; In Ps. cxviii<br />

s. 3.<br />

&quot; 2<br />

Et sedebit conflans et emundans argentum; et purgabit filios<br />

Levi, et colabit eos quasi aurum et quasi argentum; et erunt Domino<br />

offerentes sacrificia in justitia.&quot;<br />

Mai. iii. 3.<br />

erunt Deo suo et non polluent nomen ejus; incensum<br />

enim Domini et panes Dei sui offerunt, et ideo sancti erunt.&quot; Levit.<br />

xxi. 6.<br />

4<br />

&quot;<br />

Ipsum videlicet Corpus Domini, quod in ara crucis pependit.<br />

Ideoque sanctitas requiritur, quse sita est in puritate animi; sine qua,<br />

quisquis ad haec tremenda mysteria accedit, immundus accedit.&quot; In<br />

Levit. xxi. 6.

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