Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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Habes<br />

&quot;<br />

4 6 Material 1 for Instructions. [PART n.<br />

Me and to thee ?<br />

My hour has not yet come? still he granted<br />

the petition of his mother. 2<br />

The prayers of Mary, says St. Germanus, obtain great<br />

graces for the most abandoned sinners, because they<br />

are prayers accompanied with the authority of a mother/<br />

In a word, there is no one, however wicked, whom<br />

Mary does not save by herintercession when she wishes.<br />

Hence St. George, Archbishop of Nicomedia, says, O<br />

Mother of God: Thou hast insuperable strength,<br />

great<br />

&quot;<br />

since the multitude of our sins does not outweigh thy<br />

clemency. Nothing resists thy power, for the Creator<br />

regards thy honor as his own.&quot; 4 To thee, then, O my<br />

Queen, says St. Peter Damian, nothing is impossible,<br />

since thou canst succor and save even those that are in<br />

despair. 5<br />

II. But if<br />

Mary is powerful, and able to save us by<br />

her intercession, she is<br />

equally merciful, and willing to<br />

obtain our salvation: &quot;Neither the power nor the will<br />

is wanting to 6<br />

her,&quot; says St. Bernard. She is called the<br />

Mother of Mercy, because her compassion for us makes<br />

her love and assist us as a mother assists a sick child.<br />

The love of all mothers together, according to Father<br />

Nieremberg, 7 is not equal to the love which Mary bears<br />

1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

&quot;Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier ? nondum venit hora mea.&quot;<br />

Et licet ita respondent, maternis tamen precibus obtemperavit.&quot;<br />

In .<br />

Jo<br />

horn. 21.<br />

3<br />

Tu &quot; autem, materna in Deum auctoritate pollens, etiam iis, qui<br />

enormiter peccant, gratiam concilias; non enim potesnonexaudiri, cum<br />

Deus tibi, ut verse et intemeratae Matri, in omnibus morem gerat.&quot;<br />

In<br />

Dorm. Dcip.<br />

s. 2.<br />

&quot;<br />

4 vires insuperabiles, ne clementiam tuam superet multitudo<br />

peccatorum. Nihil tuae resistit potentiae; tuam enim gloriam Creator<br />

existimat esse propriam.&quot; Or. de Ingr. B. V.<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Nihil tibi impossibile, cui possibile est desperates in spem beati-<br />

6 &quot;<br />

tudinis relevare.&quot; DC Nat. B. V. s. I.<br />

Nee facultas ei deesse poterit, nee voluntas.<br />

1<br />

DC Aff. crga B. V. c. 14.<br />

In Assumpt.<br />

s. I.

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