Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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:<br />

466 Appendix.<br />

solations that he cried out: &quot;It is<br />

enough, O Lord, it<br />

is enough!&quot;<br />

I read of the Blessed John Francis Regis,<br />

the great missionary of France, that after having spent<br />

the whole day in preaching and hearing confessions,<br />

instead of resting, he went before the door of the<br />

church, which was closed, and conversed there with his<br />

God during the whole night. You know what were the<br />

labors of a St. Philip Neri, and what was his love for<br />

prayer. St. Vincent Ferrer, the apostle of Spain, used<br />

to make before preaching an hour s meditation. All<br />

evangelical laborers have only imitated in this their<br />

model and chief, Jesus Christ, who spent sometimes the<br />

whole night in prayer: He passed the whole night in the<br />

prayer of God?<br />

Undoubtedly, when God commands us to leave men<br />

tal prayer in order to labor for the salvation of souls<br />

we must obey by leaving God for God. Let us then<br />

apply ourselves to the good of our neighbor as much as<br />

it is necessary; but let us not lose time: let us avoid<br />

useless conversations, and not listen to vain discourses.<br />

The time lost is a thing that God does not command.<br />

As soon as we are free let us return to prayer. And<br />

even in the midst of our occupations, while hearing<br />

confessions, preaching, or doing anything else, we<br />

must always preserve in our hearts the little cell of St.<br />

Catharine of Sienna, where we may be anxious to enter<br />

from time to time in order to speak to God by an act<br />

We must also take<br />

of love or some ejaculatory prayer.<br />

care not to lose sight of holy solitude, and not cease to<br />

love it. We should imitate the Spouse of the Canticles,<br />

who said to his Well-beloved: Flee away, O My beloved,<br />

. .<br />

upon the mountains of aromatical spices? She did not<br />

wish that the divine Spouse should depart from her and<br />

1 &quot;Sat est, Domine, sat est!&quot;<br />

2 &quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

3<br />

Erat pernoctans in oratione Dei.&quot; Luke, vi. 12.<br />

Fuge, Dilecte mi ... super monies aromatum.&quot; Cant. viii. 14.

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