Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

60 Material for Sermons. [PART i.<br />

ing him our petitions; he reconciles the angry Lord, and<br />

wards from us the blows of his justice.&quot;<br />

Through priests, God communicates his grace to the<br />

faithful in the sacraments. Through them he makes us<br />

his children, and saves us by baptism: Unless a man be<br />

born again he cannot see the kingdom of God? Through<br />

them he heals the infirm, and even resuscitates, by the<br />

sacrament of penance, sinners that are dead to divine<br />

grace. Through them he nourishes souls, and preserves<br />

in them the life of divine grace, by means of the sacra<br />

ment of the Eucharist: Except you eat the flesh of the Son<br />

of man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life in you?<br />

Through them he gives strength to the dying, to over<br />

means of the sacrament<br />

come the temptations of hell, by<br />

of Extreme Unction.<br />

In a word, St. John Chrysostom says, that without<br />

priests we cannot be saved. 4 By St. Prosper priests are<br />

called judges of the divine will. 5 By St. Chrysostom,<br />

the walls of the Church. 6 By St. Ambrose, the camps<br />

7<br />

of sanctity, and by St. Gregory Nazianzen, the foun<br />

dations of the world, and the pillars of the faith. 8<br />

Hence St. Jerome says, that the priest by the power<br />

of his sanctity has to carry the weight of all the sins<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Medius stat Sacerdos inter Deum et naturam humanam; illinc<br />

venientia beneficia ad nos deferens, et nostras petitiones illuc perferens<br />

Dominum iratum reconcilians, et nos eripiens ex illius manibus.&quot; De<br />

Vcrbis Is. horn. 5.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Nisi quis renatus fuerit denuo, non potest videre regnum Dei.&quot;-<br />

John, iii. 3.<br />

3 &quot;Nisi manducaveritis carnem Filii hominis,<br />

. . . non habebitis<br />

vitam in vobis.&quot;<br />

JoJm, vi. 54.<br />

4 &quot;Sine his, salutis compotes fieri non possumus.&quot; De Sacerd. 1. 3.<br />

8 &quot;<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Divinae voluntatis Indices.&quot; De Vita cont. \. 2, c. 2.<br />

Muros Ecclesise.&quot; Horn. 10.<br />

Castra sanctitatis.&quot; De Offic.<br />

1. i, c. 50.<br />

&quot;Mundi Fundamenta et Fidei Columnas.<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Carm. ad Episc.

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