Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

My<br />

INSTR. in.] The Chastity of the Priest. 257<br />

away from sanctity into sin. 1 St. Jerome wrote to Nepotianus:<br />

Do not confide too much in your past chas<br />

be careful not to sit alone with a woman without<br />

tity;<br />

2<br />

a witness,&quot;<br />

that is, do not remain with her.<br />

St. Isidore<br />

of Pelusium says: If necessity obliges you to converse<br />

with women, keep your eyes cast on the ground; and<br />

after you have spoken a few words, go away imme<br />

1<br />

diately.&quot;<br />

Father Peter Consolini of the Oratory used<br />

to say, that we should practise charity towards women<br />

who are even saints as towards the souls in purgatory,<br />

that is, from a distance, and without looking at them.<br />

This good Father would say, that in temptations against<br />

chastity priests would do well to reflect on their dig<br />

nity; and would add that a certain Cardinal, when<br />

molested by thoughts, began to look at his cap, and to<br />

think of his cardinalitial dignity, saying:<br />

recommend myself to you.&quot;<br />

tation.<br />

cap, I<br />

Thus he resisted the temp<br />

III. It is also necessary to fly from bad company. St.<br />

Jerome says that a man becomes like the companions<br />

with whom he converses. 4 We walk in a dark and slip<br />

pery way; 5 such is the present life ;<br />

Lubricum in tenebris :<br />

if a wicked companion impels us to the precipice, we<br />

are lost. St. Bernardine of Sienna relates 6 that he knew<br />

a person who had preserved her virginity for thirty-<br />

&quot;Magnos praelatos Ecclesiae sub hac specie coruisse reperi, de<br />

quorum casu non magis prsesumebam, quam Hieronymi et Ambrosii.&quot;<br />

S. Thomas, De modo con fit.<br />

8<br />

&quot;Ne in praeterita castitate confidas; solus cum sola, absque teste,<br />

non sedeas.&quot;<br />

&quot;Si cum ipsis conversari necessitas te obstringat, oculos humi<br />

dejectos habe; cumque pauca locutus fueris, statim avola.&quot; Lib. 2,<br />

ep. 284.<br />

&quot;Talis efficitur homo, qualium societate fruitur.&quot;<br />

Eusebius, De<br />

Morte Hiet.<br />

l&amp;lt;<br />

5<br />

Lubricum in<br />

6<br />

tenebris.&quot;<br />

T. III. Serin, extr. s. 13, n. 6..<br />


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