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Untitled - Saints' Books


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De<br />

&quot;<br />

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&quot;<br />

CHAP, x.j The Vocation to the Priesthood. 187<br />

St.<br />

Bernard in speaking to clerics,<br />

is<br />

there any one so<br />

insolent as, without orders and contrary to the will of<br />

the pettiest monarch, to assume the direction of his<br />

1<br />

affairs?&quot; And are not priests, as St. Prosper says, the<br />

administrators of the royal house ? 2<br />

Are they not, accord<br />

ing to St. Ambrose, the leaders and rectors of the flock<br />

of Christ&quot;?<br />

according to St. Chrysostom, the &quot;inter<br />

preters of the divine 4<br />

judgments,&quot;<br />

and according to St.<br />

5<br />

Denis, the vicars of Christ Will &quot;?<br />

any one who knows<br />

all this dare to become the minister of God without a<br />

divine call ?<br />

To think of exercising royal authority is, according to<br />

6<br />

St. Peter Chrysologus, criminal in a subject. To in<br />

trude into the house of a private individual, in order to<br />

dispose of his goods and to manage his business, would<br />

be considered temerity; for even a private individual has<br />

the right of appointing the administrators of his affairs.<br />

And will you, says St. Bernard, without being called or<br />

introduced by God, intrude into his house to take charge<br />

of his interests and to dispose of his goods? 7<br />

The Council of Trent has declared that the Church<br />

regards not as her minister, but as a robber, the man<br />

who audaciously assumes the priesthood without a voca<br />

tion. 4 Such priests may labor and toil, but their labors<br />

Auderetne aliquis vestmm terreni cujuslibet reguii, non praeci<br />

piente aut etiam prohibente eo, occupare ministeria, negotia dispensare<br />

?&quot; Conv. adder, c. 19.<br />

8 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Dispensatores regiae De domus.&quot; Vita cont. 1. 2, c. 2.<br />

Duces et rectores gregis De Christi.&quot; Dign. sac. c. 2.<br />

4 &quot;<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Interpretes divinorum judiciorum.&quot;<br />

Vicar ii Christi.&quot; Horn. 17.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Regnum velle servum, crimen est.&quot; Serm. 23.<br />

&quot;Quid istud temeritatis, imo quid insaniffi est? tu irreverenter<br />

irruis, nee vocatus, nee introductus.&quot; De Vita cler. c. 5.<br />

Decernit sancta Synodus eos qui ea (ministeria) propria temeri^<br />

tate sibi sumunt, omnes, non Ecclesiae ministros, sed fures et latrones<br />

per ostium non ingressos habendos esse.&quot; Sess. 23, cap. 4.

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