Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

138 Material for Sermons. [PARTI.<br />


THE SIN<br />


THE devil first procured the invention of deities<br />

addicted to vice, he then sought to induce the Gentiles<br />

to worship them, that thus men might consider it law<br />

ful to sin as often as they pleased, and that they might<br />

even lose all horror for the vices with which they saw<br />

their gods clothed. This, Seneca, who was a Gentile,<br />

confessed: Since we have such gods the horror of<br />

vice should disappear from among men.&quot; &quot;<br />

To attribute<br />

vices to the gods what is it but to inflame passion<br />

in the hearts of men, at the same time legalizing all the<br />

disorders through the example of the 2<br />

divinity?&quot; Hence,<br />

as we read in the works of the same Seneca, the unhappy<br />

Gentiles would say: &quot;Why<br />

should that be forbidden to<br />

me what the gods have a right to do 3<br />

?&quot; But what the<br />

devil obtained from the Gentiles by means of these pre<br />

tended deities, whom he proposed as models for imita<br />

tion, he now obtains from Christians by means of the<br />

scandalous priest, who by his bad example persuades<br />

poor seculars into a belief that what they<br />

pastor is lawful, or at least not a great<br />

see in their<br />

evil in world<br />

lings.<br />

&quot;Seculars think,&quot; says St. &quot;that<br />

Gregory, all is<br />

allowed them what they see their pastors do, so that<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Quibus nihil aliud actum est, quam ut pudor hominibus peccandi<br />

demeretur.&quot; De Vita beata, c. 26.<br />

Quid aliud est vitia incendere, quam auctores illis inscribere<br />

deos, dare morbo, exemplo divinitatis, excusatam licentiam ?&quot; De<br />

Brevit. vita, c. 1 6.<br />

3<br />

Quod divos decuit, cur mihi &quot;<br />

turpe putem<br />


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