Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

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who<br />

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346 Material for Instructions. [PART H.<br />

offered the holy sacrifice They, as St. Augustine !<br />

says,<br />

belong to that class of men who do not seek for money<br />

in order to serve God; but serve God in order to accu<br />

mulate riches. What 1<br />

a disgrace, exclaims St. Jerome,<br />

2<br />

to see a priest intent on the acquisition of wealth !<br />

But let us pass by the disgrace, and examine the great<br />

danger of perdition, to which a priest intent on heaping<br />

up riches exposes his soul. Those priests are greatly<br />

in peril,&quot; says St. Hilary, are anxious to amass<br />

riches and increase their fortune.&quot; 5 This the Apostle<br />

has taught, saying that such persons shall not only be<br />

molested by many cares which impede their spiriual<br />

progress, but shall also fall into temptations and desires<br />

which will lead them to ruin. They that will become rich,<br />

and into many unprofitable and<br />

fall into temptations, . . .<br />

hurtful desires, which draw men into destruction and perdi<br />

tion? And into what excesses, thefts, injustice, simony,<br />

and sacrileges has the desire of<br />

tain priests<br />

!<br />

money precipitated cer<br />

St. Ambrose says: He who amasses gold<br />

loses the grace of God.&quot; 5 St. Paul assimilates avarice<br />

to idolatry: A covetous person (which is a serving of idols)<br />

And justly, for the covetous man makes money his God,<br />

that is, his last end.<br />

Extirpate the thirst for gold,&quot; says St. John Chrysostom,<br />

&quot;and you will extirpate all crimes.&quot; If, then, we<br />

wish to possess God, let us remove all attachment to the<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Non nummum propter Deum impendunt, sed Deum propter<br />

nummum colunt.&quot; De Civ. D. \. n, c. 25.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

et in<br />

Ignominia Sacerdotis est studere divitiis.&quot;<br />

Ep. ad Nepot.<br />

Ingenti periculo sunt Sacerdotes qui curis pecuniae, et familiarium<br />

rerum incrementis, occupantur.&quot;<br />

In Ps. 138.<br />

4 &quot;Qui fieri, incidunt in tentationem, laqueum<br />

diaboli, et desideria multa inutilia et nociva, quse mergunt homines in<br />

interitum et perditionem.&quot;<br />

i Tim. vi. 9.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Qui aurum redigit, gratiam prodigit.&quot; Serin. 59.<br />

6 &quot;Avarus, quod est idolorum servitus.&quot; Ephes. v. 5.<br />

&quot;<br />

7<br />

Tolle pecuniarum studium, et omnia mala sublata sum &quot;. /. :<br />

Tim. horn. 17.

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