Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

222 Material for Instructions . [PART n.<br />

holy sacrament. In the beginning the Jews respected<br />

Jesus Christ, but when they saw him despised by their<br />

priests they lost their esteem for him, and in the end<br />

joined in the cry of the priests: &quot;Away with this man;<br />

crucify him!&quot; J And in like manner, seculars, seeing a<br />

priest treat the Mass with such irreverence, lose their<br />

respect and veneration for it. A Mass said with rever<br />

ence excites devotion in all who are present at it; but,<br />

on the other hand, a Mass celebrated with irreverence<br />

destroys devotion and even faith in those that are pres<br />

ent. A religious of high reputation told me that a cer<br />

tain heretic had resolved to renounce his errors, but<br />

having been afterwards present at a Mass said without<br />

reverence, he went to the bishop and said that he no<br />

longer intended to abjure his heresy, because he felt<br />

convinced that priests who celebrated Mass in such a<br />

manner did not sincerely believe in the truth of the<br />

Catholic Church; and added: If I were Pope, and knew<br />

that a priest said Mass with irreverence, I would com<br />

mand him to be burned alive.&quot; After these words he<br />

withdrew, resolved to continue in his heresy.<br />

But some priests say that seculars complain when the<br />

Mass is long. Then I ask: Shall the want of devotion in<br />

seculars be the rule for the respect due to the Mass?<br />

Besides, if all priests said Mass with becoming reverence<br />

and gravity, seculars would feel the veneration due to<br />

so great a sacrifice, and would not complain of being<br />

obliged to spend half an hour in attending Mass.<br />

But because Masses are frequently so short, and so little<br />

calculated to excite devotion, seculars, after the example<br />

of priests, attend Mass with indevotion and with little<br />

faith; and when they find that it lasts longer than half<br />

an hour, they, on account of the bad habit that they<br />

have contracted, grow weary and begin to complain;<br />

and though they spend without tediousness several<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum !&quot;

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