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Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

Nemo<br />

:<br />

CHAP, x.j The Vocation to the Priesthood. 201<br />

whom, as St. Peter Darnian has written, God has not<br />

called; for instead of promoting her welfare, they com<br />

mit havoc among her members; and instead of edifying,<br />

they contaminate and 1<br />

destroy her children.<br />

Whom He (the Lord) shall choose, they shall approach to<br />

Him. God 2<br />

will gladly admit into his presence all whom<br />

he has called to the priesthood, and will cast off the priest<br />

whom he has not chosen. St. Ephrem regards as lost<br />

the man who is so daring as to take the order of priest<br />

hood without a vocation. &quot;I am astonished,&quot; he says,<br />

&quot;at that which those fools dare to do, who, without the<br />

grace of vocation through Christ, full of boldness, seek<br />

to insinuate themselves into the office of the priesthood.<br />

Miserable beings, that know not that they are preparing<br />

for themselves an eternal fire.&quot; And Peter de Blois<br />

has written: &quot;What ruin does not the bold man prepare<br />

for himself who of the sacrifice makes a sacrilege, and<br />

of life an instrument of death!&quot; He who errs in his<br />

vocation exposes himself to greater danger than if he<br />

transgressed particular precepts; for if he violates a<br />

particular command, he may rise from his fall, and begin<br />

again to walk in the right<br />

path, but he who errs in his<br />

vocation mistakes the way itself. Hence the longer he<br />

travels in it, the more distant he is from his home. To<br />

him we may justly apply the words of St. Augustine:<br />

&quot;You run well, but on the wrong road.&quot; 5<br />

It is<br />

necessary to be persuaded<br />

of the truth of what<br />

St. Gregory says, that our eternal salvation depends<br />

1<br />

deterius Ecclesiam laedit.&quot; Cont. cler. mil. c. 3.<br />

2<br />

Quos &quot;<br />

elegerit (Dominus), appropinquabunt Num. xvi. ei.&quot; 5.<br />

3<br />

Obstupesco ad ea &quot;<br />

quse soliti sunt quidam insipientium audere, qui<br />

temere se conantur ingerere ad munus Sacerdotii assumendum, licet<br />

non adsciti a gratia Christi: ignorantes, miseri, quod ignem et mortem<br />

sibi accumulant.&quot; Or. de Sacerd.<br />

4<br />

Quam &quot; perditus est, qui sacrificium in sacrilegium, qui vitam convertit<br />

in mortem.&quot; Ep. ad rich. land.<br />

5<br />

Bene &quot;<br />

curris, sed extra viam./

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