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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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CHAP, vii.] The Sacrilegious Mass. 135<br />

Whosoever, adds the saint, shall dare to carry the flame<br />

of lust to the altar, shall certainly be consumed by the<br />

fire of God s vengeance. 1<br />

May the Lord, then, says the<br />

holy Doctor in another place, preserve us from ever<br />

adoring on the altar the idol of impurity, and from<br />

placing the Son of the Virgin in the Temple of Venus,<br />

that is, in an unchaste heart! 2 If the man that came to<br />

the feast without the nuptial garment was cast into<br />

darkness, how much greater vengeance shall fall on him<br />

who approaches the divine table not only not clothed<br />

with a decent garment, but exhaling the stench of his<br />

impurities? says the same St. Peter Damian. 3 Woe, ex<br />

claimed St. Bernard, to him that separates himself from<br />

God; but still<br />

greater woe to the priest who approaches<br />

the altar with a guilty conscience. 4 Speaking one day<br />

to St. Bridget of a priest who had sacrilegiously cele<br />

brated Mass, the Lord said that he entered into the<br />

soul of that priest as a spouse for his sanctification, and<br />

that he was obliged to depart from it as a judge, to in<br />

flict the punishment merited by the sacrilegious recep<br />

tion of his body. 5<br />

If the sacrilegious priest will not abstain from cele<br />

brating the divine mysteries in the state of sin, through<br />

horror of the insult, or rather of so many insults, offered<br />

to God by sacrilegious Masses, he ought<br />

at least to<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Quisquis carnalis concupiscentiae flamma aestuat, et sacris assistere<br />

mysteriis non formidat, ille, procul dubio, divinse ultionis igne<br />

consumitur.&quot; Opusc. 27, c. 3.<br />

- &quot;<br />

Absit ut aliquis huic idolo substernatur, ut Filium Virginis in<br />

Veneris templo suscipiat.&quot; Serin. 60.<br />

3<br />

&quot;Quid illi sperandum, qui, coelestibus tricliniis intromissus, non<br />

modo non est spiritualis indumenti decore conspicuus, sed ultro etiam<br />

fsetet sordentis luxurise squalore perfusus.&quot; Opusc. 18. d. i, c. 4.<br />

Vse ei qui se alienum fecerit ab eo: et multum vse ei qui immundus<br />

&quot;<br />

4<br />

accesserit.&quot; De Old. vita. c.<br />

2.<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Ingredior ad Sacerdotem istum ut sponsus; egredior ut Judex,<br />

judicaturus contemptus a sumente.&quot; Rev. 1. 4, c. 62.

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