Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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Serin.<br />

132 Material for Sermons. IPART i.<br />

Peter Comestor observes that when a sacrilegious priest<br />

begins the prayer Aufer a nobis iniquitates nostras, etc.<br />

(&quot;Take away from us our iniquities, and kisses<br />

etc.&quot;),<br />

the altar, Jesus appears to reproach him, and say:<br />

Judas, do you betray me with a kiss? And when 1<br />

the<br />

priest, says St. Gregory, extends his arm to communi<br />

cate, I think I hear the Redeemer say what he said to<br />

Judas/ * Behold the hand that betrays me is with me on<br />

the altar.&quot;<br />

Hence, according to St. Isidore of Pelusium,<br />

2<br />

the sacrilegious priest is, like Judas, entirely pos<br />

sessed<br />

3<br />

by the devil.<br />

Ah ! the blood of Jesus Christ, so much insulted, cries<br />

more powerfully for vengeance against the sacrilegious<br />

priest than the blood of Abel did against Cain. This<br />

Jesus himself declared to St. Bridget. Oh ! what horror<br />

must God and his angels feel at the sight of a sacri<br />

legious Mass ! This horror the Lord made known in<br />

the following manner, in the year 1688, to his servant<br />

Sister Mary Crucified, of Palma, in Sicily. At first she<br />

heard a doleful trumpet, which uttered, in a tone of<br />

thunder, audible over the entire earth, the following<br />

words: Ultio, pcena, dolor (vengeance, punishment, pain).<br />

She then saw several sacrilegious ecclesiastics singing<br />

psalms with discordant voices, and in a confused and<br />

irregular manner. She next saw one of them rise up to<br />

go to the altar and say Mass. While he was putting on<br />

the sacred vestments, the church was covered with dark<br />

ness and mourning. He approaches the altar, and, in<br />

saying the Introibo ad altare Dei, the trumpet sounds<br />

&quot;Nonne Christus potest stare, et dicere: !<br />

Juda tradis osculo<br />

1<br />

Filium hominis !&quot;<br />

42.<br />

2<br />

&quot;<br />

Qui Christi corpus indigne conficit, Christum tradit, ut Christus,<br />

dum traditur dicat; Ecce manus tradentis me mecum est in mensa.&quot;<br />

P. de Blots, Epist. 123.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Ineisqui peccant, nee sanctamysteriacontingere verentur, totus<br />

daemon se insinuat; quod etiam in proditore quoque fecit.&quot; Egist. 1.<br />

3 e P- 3 6 4-

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