Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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Luke,<br />

Declam.<br />

&quot;<br />

1 66 Material for Sermons. [PART i.<br />

render an account of the sins of all, says the author of<br />

the Imperfect Work. And 1<br />

before him the apostle said:<br />

For they watch as being to render an account of your souls?<br />

Thus the sins of others are imputed to the priest that<br />

neglects to prevent them, says St. John Chrysostom. 3<br />

Hence St. Augustine has said: If on the day of judg<br />

ment one can scarcely render an account of one s own soul,<br />

how will the priest fare if he has to render an account of<br />

all sins?&quot;<br />

Speaking of those that become priests not to<br />

4<br />

save souls, but to secure a more comfortable means of<br />

living, St. Bernard says, Oh, how much better would it<br />

have been for them to labor in the field, or to beg, than<br />

to have taken to the priesthood! On the day of judg<br />

ment they shall hear complaints against them from so<br />

many souls that have been damned 5<br />

through their sloth.<br />

II.<br />

The Pleasure that a Priest who Labors for the Salvation of<br />

Souls gives to God.<br />

To understand how ardently God desires the salvation<br />

of souls, it is<br />

enough<br />

the work of the redemption of man. Jesus<br />

to consider what he has done in<br />

Christ clearly<br />

expressed this desire when he said: / have a baptism,<br />

wherewith I am to be baptized ; and how am I straitened until<br />

it be accomplished? He said that he felt as if<br />

swooning<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Unusquisque pro suo peccato reddet rationem; Sacerdotes, pro<br />

omnium peccatis.&quot;<br />

Horn. 38.<br />

Ipsi enim pervigilant, quasi rationem pro animabus vestris reddituri.&quot;<br />

Heb. xiii. 17.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

6 &quot; Quod alii peccant, illi imputatur.&quot;<br />

In Act. horn. 3.<br />

4 &quot;Si<br />

pro se unusquisque vix poterit, in die judicii, rationem reddere,<br />

quid de Sacerdotibus futurum est, a quibus sunt omnium animse<br />

requirendre? Serm. 287, R. B. app.<br />

Bonum erat magis fodere, aut etiam mendicare, Venient, venient<br />

ante tribunal Christi; audietur populorum querela, quorum vixere<br />

stipendiis, nee diluerunt !&quot;<br />

peccata n. 19.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Baptismo autem habeo baptizari; et quomodo coarctor usquedum<br />

perficiatur<br />

?.&quot;<br />

xii. 5Ov.

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