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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

Necessity of Mental Prayer. 463<br />

We complain that we are lukewarm and feeble; but<br />

need we be astonished at this if we remain from mental<br />

prayer? Why do we not try to enter often this happy<br />

cellar of love, where, having been scarcely introduced,<br />

the Spouse<br />

with charity<br />

?<br />

of the Canticles feels herself all set on fire<br />

He brought me into the cellar of wine, He set<br />

in order charity in me. 1<br />

We feel ourselves cold in divine love: why, then, do<br />

we not often go to converse with God ?<br />

Why do we not<br />

approach Him who is called a devouring fire: Thy God<br />

is a consuming fire? We approach God by means of<br />

mental prayer, says St. John Climacus. 3 Let us sup<br />

pose the heart to be very cold, entirely deprived of love<br />

towards God: if it perseveres in mental prayer,<br />

it is<br />

certain that this God, who is so faithful and never<br />

allows himself to be outdone in generosity, will end by<br />

inflaming it with his holy love; the fire should produce<br />

its effect. If at times, while conversing with a person<br />

who truly loves God, we feel ourselves excited by the<br />

ardor that he communicates to us to love God also, how<br />

much more shall we not be inflamed with this celestial<br />

fire<br />

by often conversing with God himself!<br />

God speaks, yes, God speaks to souls that seek him<br />

sincerely; but when does he speak to them? Is it in<br />

society, in visits, where we lose whole hours in useless<br />

conversation? No; there God does not speak. If a<br />

soul wishes to hear me, says the Lord, let it leave the<br />

society of men, let it retire into solitude, and make<br />

mental prayer;<br />

it is there that I wish to speak to it: /<br />

will lead her into the wilderness, and I will speak to her<br />

heart.&quot; There I will make the soul hear my word, this<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Introduxit me in cellam vinariam, ordinavit in me charitatem.&quot;<br />

Cant. ii. 4.<br />

2<br />

&quot;<br />

Deus tuus ignis consumens est.&quot; Dcut. iv. 24.<br />

4 &quot; Ducam<br />

Oratio est hominis conjunctio cum Deo.&quot; Scala par. gr. 28.<br />

earn in solitudinem, et loquar ad cor ejus.&quot;<br />

Os. ii. 14.

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