Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

CHAP, in.]<br />

Sanctity Necessary for the Priest. 53<br />

learn from the Council of Nice, 1 from the Council of<br />

Toledo, 2 from the Council of Elvira, 3 and from the<br />

Fourth Council of Carthage. 4 And if a priest after his<br />

ordination had fallen into sin, he was deposed, and shut<br />

up in a monastery, as may be observed from several<br />

canons. 6 In the sixth canon, the following reason is<br />

assigned: &quot;Above all, what the Church wishes is per<br />

fect innocence. Those that are not holy should not<br />

touch holy things. And in the several canons we<br />

&quot; e<br />

read: &quot;Since the clerics have taken the Lord for their<br />

inheritance, let them not have intercourse with the<br />

world.&quot; 7<br />

The Council of Trent declared, Wherefore<br />

clerics called to have the Lord for their portion ought<br />

by all means so to regulate their whole life and con<br />

versation as that in their dress, comportment, gait, dis<br />

course, and all things else, nothing appear but what is<br />

grave, regulated, and replete with religiousness.&quot;* In<br />

ecclesiastics the Council requires sanctity in dress as<br />

well as in conduct, language, and every<br />

action. St.<br />

John Chrysostom says, that priests should be so holy<br />

that all may look to them as models of sanctity; because<br />

God has placed them on earth that they may live like<br />

angels, and be luminaries and teachers of virtue to all<br />

others. 9<br />

1<br />

Can. 9, 10.<br />

2 I. Can. 2.<br />

5<br />

Corp. fur. Can. dist. 81.<br />

3 Can. 76. 4 IV. Can. 68.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

In omnibus enim quod irreprehensibile est, Sancta defendit<br />

Ecclesia. Qui sancti non sunt, sancta tractare non possunt.&quot; Dist. 81.<br />

can. 4-6.<br />

&quot; 7<br />

8 &quot;<br />

Clerici, quibus pars Dominus est, a saeculi segregati vivant.&quot;<br />

Decet omnino clericos, in sortem Domini vocatos, vitam moresque<br />

9 &quot;<br />

suos componere, ut habitu, gestu, sermone, aliisque rebus, nil nisi<br />

grave ac religione plenum prse se ferant.&quot; Sess. 2, cap. i, de Ref.<br />

Sacerdos debet vitam habere immaculatam, ut omnes in ilium<br />

veluti in aliquod exemplar excellens intueantur. Idcirco enim nos<br />

(Deus)elegit, ut simus quasi luminaria, et magistri cseterorum efficiamur,<br />

ac veluti angeli cum hominibus versemur in terris.&quot; In I Tim. horn.<br />


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