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&quot;<br />

CHAP, iv.] Chastisement of the Sinful Priest. 83<br />

selves as ministers of a God, let us blush<br />

to become the<br />

slaves of sin and of the devil, says St. Peter Damian. 1<br />

Let us not imitate the folly of seculars that think only<br />

of the present. // is appointed unto men once to die, and<br />

after this the judgment? We must all appear<br />

at this<br />

judgment: We must all be manifested before the judgment<br />

seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of<br />

the body, according as he hath done? To each of us the<br />

That<br />

Judge shall say: Give an account of thy stewardship?<br />

is, of your priesthood; how have you exercised it? for<br />

what end have you exercised it ?<br />

Dearly beloved priest,<br />

were you now to be judged, would you feel satisfied and<br />

content with the manner in which you have discharged<br />

your ministry? Or would you not say: When he shall<br />

examine, what shall I answer him ? 5 When the Lord<br />

chastises a people, the chastisement begins with the<br />

priest, for he is the cause of the sins of the people,<br />

either by his bad example, or by his negligence in at<br />

tending to their sanctification. Hence the Lord says,<br />

The time is that judgment should begin at the house of God?<br />

In the slaughter described by Ezechiel, God wished the<br />

priests to be the first victims of his vengeance: Begin ye<br />

at my sanctuary? That is, says Origen, with the priests.&quot;<br />

A most severe judgment, says the Wise Man, for them that<br />

bear rule? And unto whom, says Jesus Christ, nmch is<br />

1<br />

Nobilem necesse est esse Sacerdotem, ut, qui minister est Domini,<br />

erubescat se servum esse peccati.&quot; Ofusc. 25, c. 2.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Statutum est hominibus semel mori; post hoc autem, judicium.*<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Heb. ix. 27.<br />

Omnes nos enim manifestari oportet ante tribunal Christi, ut referat<br />

unusquisque propria corporis, prout gessit.&quot; 2 Cor. v. 10.<br />

4<br />

&quot;<br />

Redde rationem vilicationis tuae.&quot; Luke, xvi. 2,<br />

5 &quot;Cum quaesierit, quid respondebo illi?&quot; Job, xxxi. 14.<br />

6<br />

&quot;Tempus est ut incipiat judicium a domo Dei.&quot; I Pet. iv. 17.<br />

7 &quot; A<br />

sanctuario meo incipite.&quot;<br />

Ezech. ix. 6.<br />

*<br />

&quot;Judicium durissimum, his qui praesunt,<br />

fiet.&quot; Wisd. vi. 6.

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