Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

A<br />

228 Material for Instructions. [PART n.<br />

torn, the soul is then made one thing with Jesus Christ.<br />

Hence, good acts are then more meritorious, because<br />

they are performed by the soul while she is united with<br />

Jesus Christ.<br />

But, on the other hand, St. Bernard tells us that the<br />

Lord will not lose his graces by giving them to the un<br />

grateful. 2<br />

Let us then remain, at least for half an hour,<br />

with Jesus Christ after Mass<br />

;<br />

or at least for a quarter.<br />

But, O God a !<br />

quarter of an hour is too little. We<br />

should remember that from the day of his ordination<br />

the priest belongs no longer to himself, but to God, says<br />

St. Ambrose. 3 And before him God himself said the<br />

same: They offer the burnt-offering of<br />

bread of their God, and therefore they shall be holy,<br />

the Lord, and the<br />

V.<br />

The Priest who Abstains from saying Mass.<br />

Some abstain<br />

through humility from the celebration<br />

of Mass. A word on this subject. To abstain from say<br />

ing Mass through humility<br />

is a good act, but it is not<br />

the most perfect: acts of humility give God a finite<br />

honor, but the Mass gives him infinite honor, because<br />

this honor is offered by a divine person. Attend to the<br />

words of Venerable Bede. priest who without an<br />

important reason omits to say Mass robs the Blessed<br />

Trinity of glory, the angels of joy, sinners of pardon,<br />

the just of divine assistance, the souls in purgatory of<br />

refreshment, the Church of a benefit, and himself of a<br />

medicine.&quot; St. Cajetan, while in Naples, heard that a<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

4<br />

Ipsa re nos suum efficit corpus.&quot;<br />

Ad pop. Ant. hom. 60.<br />

Numquid non perit, quod donatur ingrato?&quot; /;/ Cant. s. 51.<br />

Verus minister altaris, Deo, non sibi, natus est.&quot; In Ps. 118, s. 8.<br />

Incensum enim Domini et panes Dei sui offerunt, et ideo sancti<br />

erunt.&quot; Lev. xxi. 6.<br />

Cum Sacerdos, non habens legitimum impedimentum, celebrare<br />

omittit, quantum in se est, privat Trinitatem gloria, Angelos laetitia,

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