Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

Vadam<br />

&quot;<br />

3 78 Material for Instructions. [PART n.<br />

It is true that interior mortification is the most neces<br />

sary; but exterior mortification is also indispensable.<br />

To a person who wished to dissuade him from macer<br />

ating his body, by saying that sanctity consists in con<br />

quering self-will, St. Aloysius Gonzaga replied, in the<br />

words of the Gospel: These things you ought to have done,<br />

and not leave those undone. To Mother 1<br />

Mary of Jesus,<br />

of the Order of St. Teresa, our Lord said the world is<br />

destroyed not by penitential works, but by pleasures.<br />

Mortify your body and you will conquer the devil<br />

says St. Augustine. 2<br />

The remedy of the saints, particu<br />

larly in temptations against purity, was the maceration<br />

of the flesh. In temptations contrary to chastity, St.<br />

Benedict and St. Francis rolled themselves among<br />

thorns. Father Rodriguez says, If a person had en<br />

twined round him a serpent, which by its poisoned<br />

bites would seek to kill him, surely<br />

if he could not take<br />

away<br />

its life he would at least endeavor to draw its<br />

blood and diminish its strength,<br />

less able to injure him.&quot;<br />

in order to render it<br />

Job tells us that wisdom is not found among earthly<br />

delights: Man knoweth not the price thereof, neither is it<br />

found in the land of them that live in delights* In one<br />

place the Spouse in the Canticles said that he dwells<br />

on the mountain of myrrh: / will go to the mountain of<br />

myrrh;* and in another, that he feeds among the lilies:<br />

Who feedeth among the lilies? In reconciling these two<br />

passages, Philibert says that on the mountain of myrrh,<br />

where the flesh is mortified, the lilies of purity spring<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Haec oportuit facere, et ilia non omittere.&quot; Matth. xxiii. 23.<br />

Mortifica corpus tuum, et diabolum vinces.&quot;<br />

Nescit homo pretium ejus, nee invenitrr in terra suaviter viventium.&quot;<br />

Job, xxviii. 13.<br />

4<br />

&quot;<br />

6 &quot;<br />

ad montem myrrhae.&quot; Cant. iv. 6.<br />

Qui pascitur inter lilia.&quot; Cant. ii. 16.

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