Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

Labor<br />

:<br />

CHAP, ix.] The Zeal of the Priest. 167<br />

away through the ardor with which he wished to see the<br />

work of redemption accomplished, that men might be<br />

saved. From this St. John Chrysostom justly infers,<br />

that there is<br />

nothing more acceptable to God than the<br />

salvation of souls. And 1 before him St. Justin said:<br />

Nothing is so pleasing to God as to labor to make<br />

others better.&quot; 2 Our Lord once said to Bernard Colnado,<br />

a priest who had labored much for the conversion<br />

of sinners:<br />

for the salvation of sinners, for this<br />

is what is most pleasing to me.&quot; This is so dear to<br />

God, adds Clement of Alexandria, that the salvation of<br />

men appears to be his sole concern. 4<br />

Hence, addressing<br />

a priest, St. Laurence Justinian said: &quot;If<br />

you wish to<br />

honor God, you can do no better than labor in behalf<br />

of the salvation of souls.&quot;<br />

St. Bernard says that in the eyes of God a soul is<br />

more valuable than the whole world. 6 Hence, accord<br />

ing to St. John Chrysostom, a person pleases God more<br />

by converting a single soul than by giving all his goods,<br />

7<br />

to the poor. Tertullian asserts that to God the sal<br />

vation of a single sheep that has strayed away,<br />

is as dear<br />

as the salvation of the entire flock. 8 Hence the Apostle<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Nihil itagratum Deo, et ita curse, ut animarum salus.&quot;<br />

In Gen.<br />

horn. 3.<br />

2 &quot;Nihil tam Deo gratum, quam operam dare ut omnes reddantur<br />

meliores.&quot;<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Labora pro salute<br />

carissimum.&quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

peccatorum; hoc enim prae omnibus est mihi<br />

Nihil aliud est Domino curae, praeterquam hoc solum opus, ut<br />

homo salvus fiat.&quot;<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Oral, ad Gentes.<br />

Si Deum honorare conaris, non aliter melius. quam in hominis<br />

6 &quot;<br />

salute, poteris actitare.&quot; DC Compunct. p. 2.<br />

Totus iste mundus ad unius animas pretium aestimari non potest.&quot;<br />

Medit. c. 3.<br />

7 &quot;<br />

Etsi ingentes erogaveris pecunias, plus efficieris, si unam converteris<br />

animam.&quot; In I Cor. horn. 3.<br />

8 &quot;Erat una pastoris ovicula; sed grex una carior non erat.&quot; De<br />


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