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Untitled - Saints' Books


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A<br />

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CHAP, in.]<br />

Sanctity Necessary for the Priest. 55<br />

God ! As in heaven God has appointed certain angels<br />

to assist at his throne, so on earth, among men, he has<br />

destined priests to procure his glory. Hence he says to<br />

them, / have separated you from other people? St. John<br />

Chrysostom writes: Therefore has God chosen us, that<br />

like angels we may live with men on earth.&quot; And God<br />

himself says, / will be sanctified in them that approach to<br />

Me. 3 That &quot; is,&quot;<br />

adds the commentator, my sanctity<br />

shall be shown forth by the sanctity of my ministers.<br />

II.<br />

What Should be the Sanctity of the Priest as the Minister of<br />

the Altar.<br />

St. Thomas says, that greater sanctity is required in a<br />

priest than in religious, on account of the most sublime<br />

functions of his ministry, particularly in the oblation of<br />

the sacrifice of the Mass.<br />

adds the holy Doc<br />

Hence,&quot;<br />

tor, the cleric who is ordained sins more grievously<br />

under similar circumstances if he does anything con<br />

trary to the sanctity of his state than the religious who<br />

is not ordained.&quot; 5 Listen to the celebrated maxim of<br />

St. Augustine: &quot;A good monk will hardly become a<br />

good Hence no one can be cleric.&quot; called a good<br />

ecclesiastic unless he surpasses a good monk in virtue.<br />

true minister of the altar,&quot; says St. Ambrose, is<br />

1 &quot;<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Separavi vos a caeteris populis, ut essetis mei.&quot; Levit. xx. 26.<br />

Idcirco enim nos (Deus) elegit, ut veluti angeli cum hominibus<br />

versemur in terris.&quot; In i Tim. horn. 10.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Sanctificabor in iis qui appropinquant mihi.<br />

Levit. x. 3.<br />

Agnoscar sanctus ex sanctitate ministrorum.&quot;<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Quia, per sacrum Ordinem, aliquis deputaturad dignissima ministeria,<br />

quibus ipsi Christo servitur in Sacramento altaris; ad quod requiritur<br />

major sanctitas interior, quam requirit etiam religionis status.<br />

Unde gravius peccat, caeteris paribus, clericus in sacris Ordinibus constitutus,<br />

si aliquid contrarium sanctitati agat, quam aliquis religiosus qui<br />

non habet Ordinem sacrum.&quot; 2. 2, q. 184, a. 3.<br />

6<br />

Bonus monachus &quot;<br />

vix bonum clericum facit.&quot;<br />

Epist. 60, E. B.

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