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Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

CHAP, vii.] The Sacrilegious Mass. 125<br />

II.<br />

How Great is the Crime of the Priest that Celebrates Mass<br />

in Mortal Sin.<br />

But does the priest that celebrates in mortal sin give<br />

honor to God ? As far as regards himself, he treats the<br />

Lord with the greatest dishonor that can be offered to<br />

him, by despising him in his own person. For by his<br />

sacrilege he appears, as far as in him lies, to defile the<br />

immaculate Lamb, whom he immolates in the conse<br />

crated host. To yon, O priests, says the Lord by the<br />

offer<br />

. . .<br />

you Prophet Malachy, who despise My name,<br />

polluted bread upon My altar, and you say, wherein have we<br />

polluted Thee ? l &quot; We,&quot; says St. Jerome, in his comment<br />

on this passage, pollute the bread, that is, the body<br />

of Christ, when we unworthily approach the altar. 2<br />

God cannot raise a man to a greater elevation than by<br />

conferring on him the sacerdotal dignity. How many<br />

selections must the Lord have made in calling a person to<br />

the priesthood. First, he must select him from a count<br />

less number of possible creatures. He must then separate<br />

him from so many millions of pagans and heretics, and,<br />

lastly, he must make choice of him from the immense<br />

multitude of the faithful. And what power does God<br />

confer on this man ? If the Lord bestowed only on one<br />

man the power of calling down by his words the Son of<br />

God from heaven, how great should be his obligations<br />

and his gratitude to the Lord ! This power God grants<br />

to every priest.<br />

Lifting up the poor out of the dunghill, that<br />

he may place him with princes, with the princes of his people?<br />

&quot; 1<br />

Ad vos, o Sacerdotes, qui despicitis nomen meum! .<br />

super altare meum panem pollutum,<br />

Mai. i. 6.<br />

et dicitis: In<br />

. . Offertis<br />

quo polluimus te?&quot;<br />

2 &quot;Polluimus panem, id est, corpus Christi, quando indigni accedimus<br />

ad altare.&quot;<br />

3<br />

De stercore<br />

&quot;<br />

erigens pauperem,<br />

sui.&quot;<br />

populi Ps. cxii. 6.<br />

ut collocet eum<br />

cum principibus

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