Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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O<br />

INSTR. vn.i Meekness. 335<br />

spised. Brother Juniper, of the Order of St. Francis,<br />

when treated with insult held out his habit as if to<br />

receive precious gems. When St. John Francis Regis<br />

saw himself made an object of laughter he not only<br />

rejoiced at the humiliation, but sought<br />

still more to<br />

excite derision. To St. John of the Cross the Redeemer<br />

once appeared with a cross on his shoulders and a crown<br />

of thorns on his head, and said: &quot;John,<br />

ask what you<br />

1<br />

desire of me.&quot; The saint answered: Lord ! to suffer<br />

and to be despised for Thee.&quot; As 5 if he said: Lord,<br />

since I see you so afflicted and despised for my sake,<br />

what else can I ask but sufferings. and contempt?<br />

To conclude: He who wishes to belong entirely to God,<br />

and to assimilate himself to Jesus Christ, must love to<br />

be unknown and disregarded. Love to be unknown<br />

and to be regarded as nothing,&quot;<br />

was the great lesson of<br />

3<br />

St. Bonaventure, which St. Philip Neri constantly incul<br />

cated to his spiritual children. Jesus Christ tells us to<br />

esteem ourselves happy, and to exult with joy when we<br />

are hated, cast off, and censured by men for his sake.<br />

He tells us that the more galling the insults which we<br />

accept with joy, the greater the reward will he give us<br />

in heaven. Blessed shall you be when men shall hate you, and<br />

when they shall separate you, and shall reproach you, and cast<br />

out your name as evil, for the Son of Man s sake. Be glad<br />

in that day and rejoice; for, behold, your reward is great in<br />

heaven? And what greater joy can a soul feel than that<br />

which arises from seeing herself despised for the love of<br />

Jesus Christ? Then, says St. Peter, she obtains the<br />

1<br />

&quot;Joannes, pete quid vis a me.&quot;<br />

2 &quot;<br />

3 &quot; Ama<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Domine, pati et contemni pro te.&quot;<br />

nesciri et pro nihilo reputari.&quot; Alphab. rel.<br />

Beati eritis, cum vos oderint homines, et cum separaverint vos,<br />

et exprobraverint, et ejecerint nomen vestrum tanquam malum, propter<br />

Filium hominis. Gaudete in ilia die, et exsultate; ecce enim merces<br />

vestra multa est in ccelo.&quot; Luke, vi. 22.

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