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Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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&quot;<br />

INSTR. vii.] Meekness. 329<br />

give way to disquietude, and in this state of agitation<br />

they commit a thousand faults. In troubled water,<br />

says St. Aloysius Gonzaga, the devil always finds fish<br />

to catch. It is necessary, then, when we perceive that<br />

we have fallen into a defect, not to be disturbed (to give<br />

way to disquietude after a fault is the effect of our own<br />

pride, and of the high opinion we had of our own vir<br />

tue), but to humble ourselves peacefully, to detest the<br />

sin, and instantly to have recourse to God, hoping to<br />

receive from him help to avoid a relapse.<br />

In a word, they who are truly humble and meek live<br />

always in peace, and in every occurrence preserve tran<br />

quillity of soul. Learn of Me, says Jesus Christ, because<br />

I am meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest to<br />

your souls. And 1 before him, David said: The meek shall<br />

inherit the land, and shall delight in abundance of peace?<br />

&quot;Nothing is able to disturb their serenity,&quot; says St.<br />

Leo. No insult, no loss, no misfortune, disturbs the<br />

peace of a meek heart.<br />

Should we feel angry on any occasion, we must en<br />

deavor (according to the advice of the holy bishop of<br />

Geneva) to repress passion without waiting to examine<br />

whether it is right or not to subdue it. And after a<br />

dispute, which may perhaps have disturbed our peace,<br />

let us observe the advice of the Apostle: Let not the sun<br />

go down upon your anger. Give not place to the devil? Let<br />

us first put our soul in peace, and then be reconciled<br />

to the person by whom we have been offended, lest<br />

through that spark the devil should kindle in our souls<br />

a deadly flame that may cause our ruin.<br />

Discite a me quia mitis sum et humilis corde, et invenietis re<br />

2 &quot;<br />

quiem animabus vestris.&quot; Matth. xi. 2g.<br />

Mansueti autem hereditabunt terram, et delectabuntur in multitudine<br />

pads.&quot; Ps. xxxvi. u.<br />

3<br />

3<br />

Nihil &quot;<br />

asperum De mitibus.&quot; Epiph. s. 5.<br />

4 &quot;Sol non occidat super iracundiam vestram; nolite locum dare<br />

diabolo.&quot; Efihes^ iv. 26.

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