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CHAP vii.] The Sacrilegious Mass. 127<br />

sacrilegious priests, the Lord declares that he will scatter<br />

of their sacrifices over their faces: I will scatter<br />

the dung<br />

upon your face the dung of your solemnities^ It is true, as<br />

the Council of Trent teaches, that the holy sacrifice<br />

2<br />

How<br />

cannot be contaminated by the malice of priests.<br />

ever, priests who celebrate in the state of sin defile, as<br />

far as in them lies, the sacred mystery; and therefore the<br />

Lord declares that he is, as it were, polluted by their<br />

abominations. Her priests have defiled My sanctuaries,<br />

. . . and I was profaned in the midst of them?<br />

Alas! O Lord, exclaims St. Bernard, how does it<br />

happen that some of those that hold a high place in your<br />

Church are the first to persecute you! 4 This is, indeed,<br />

too true, as St. Cyprian says, that a priest who cele<br />

brates Mass in the state of sin insults with his mouth<br />

and hands the very body of Christ. 5 Another author,<br />

Peter Comeston, adds, that the priest who pronounces<br />

the words of consecration in the state of sin spits, as it<br />

were, in the face of Jesus Christ; and when he receives<br />

the most holy sacrament into his unhallowed mouth he,<br />

as it were, casts the body and blood of Jesus Christ into<br />

the mire/ But why do I say that he casts Jesus Christ<br />

into the mire ? The soul of a priest in sin is worse than<br />

mire; and, as Theophilactus says, the mire is not so un-<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Dispergam super vultum vestrum stercus<br />

solemnitatum vestrarum.&quot;<br />

Mai. ii. 3.<br />

2<br />

&quot;<br />

Hsec quidem ilia munda oblatio est, quffi<br />

nulla malitia offerentium<br />

inquinari potest.&quot; Sess. 22, cap. i.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Coinquinabar in medio eorum.&quot; Ezech. xxii. 26.<br />

Heu, Domine, Deus, quia ipsi sunt in persecutione tua primi,<br />

qui videntur in Ecclesia tua gerere principatum.&quot; /;/ Conv. S. FziJi<br />

s. i.<br />

5<br />

&quot;<br />

Vis infertur corpori Domini; in Dominum manibus atque ore<br />

delinquunt.&quot; Serin, de. Lapsis.<br />

Qui sacra illius verba Sacramenti ore immundo profert, in<br />

6<br />

faciem Salvatoris spuit; et cum in os immundum sanctissimum carnem<br />

ponit, eum quasi in lutum projicitV Serm. 38.

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