Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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3 8 Material 1 for Instructions. [PART IT.<br />

mouth of our Superior, and says to us: I will be in thy<br />

mouth. 1<br />

Gladly, says the Apostle, will I glory in my infirmities,<br />

that the power of Christ may dwell in me? We, too, should<br />

say the same: we should glory in the knowledge of our<br />

insufficiency, that thus we may acquire the power of<br />

Jesus Christ, that is, holy humility. Oh, what great<br />

&quot;<br />

things do the humble effect !<br />

Nothing,&quot; says St. Leo,<br />

&quot;is difficult to the humble.&quot; 3 No, for the humble,<br />

trusting in God, act with the strength of the divine<br />

arm, ani therefore they effect whatsoever they wish.<br />

They that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength* St.<br />

Joseph Calasanctius used to say, that the man who<br />

wishes that God should make him do great things<br />

must labor to be the most humble of all. The humble<br />

man says: I can do all things in Him who strengthened me?<br />

When he finds an undertaking difficult, he does not<br />

lespair of success, but says: Through God we shall do<br />

Christ did not wish to select men of<br />

mightily? Jesus<br />

power and learning for the conversion of the world, but<br />

poor ignorant fishermen, because they were humble, and<br />

distrustful of their own strength. The weak things of the<br />

world hath God chosen that He may confound the strong.<br />

. . .<br />

That all flesh should not.<br />

glory in His sight?<br />

Even when we see that we are subject to defects we<br />

must not be diffident. Though we should relapse into<br />

the same faults after many purposes, and many promises<br />

&quot; 1<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Ego ero in ore Exod. tuo.&quot; iv. 15.<br />

Libenter igitur gloriabor in infirmitadbus meis, ut inhabitet in<br />

me virtus Christi.&quot; i Cor. xii. 9.<br />

3 &quot;<br />

Nihil arduum est humilibus.&quot; De Epiph. s. 5.<br />

4 &quot;<br />

Qui autem sperant in Domino, mutabunt fortitudinem.&quot; Isa,.<br />

xl. 31.<br />

5<br />

Omnia &quot; possum in eo, qui me confortat.&quot; Phil. iv. 13.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

7 &quot;<br />

In Deo faciemus virtutem.&quot; Ps. lix. 14.<br />

Infirma mundi elegit Deus, ut confundat fortia,<br />

. . . ut non<br />

glorietur omnis caro in conspectu ejus.&quot;<br />

i Cor. i.<br />


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