Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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iio Material for Sermons. [PARTI.<br />

said: Since they should be the temples of the sanctu<br />

aries of the Holy Ghost, they are disgraced if they be<br />

come addicted to impurity.&quot;<br />

How horrible to see a<br />

priest that should send forth in every direction the light<br />

and odor of purity, become sordid, fetid, and polluted<br />

with sins of the flesh ? The sow that was washed to her<br />

wallowing<br />

in the mire? Hence Clement of Alexandria<br />

has written that an unchaste priest, as far as in him lies,<br />

contaminates God himself, who dwells within him. 3<br />

Of<br />

this God himself complains by the mouth of his prophet:<br />

Her priests have despised My law, and have despised My sanc<br />

tuaries, . . . and I was profaned in the midst of them * Alas!<br />

says the Lord, by the incontinence of my priest, I, too,<br />

am defiled: by violating chastity he pollutes my sanc<br />

tuary, that is, his body which I have consecrated, and in<br />

which I often come to dwell. It was this St. Jerome<br />

meant when he said: &quot;We defile the body of Christ<br />

5<br />

whenever we approach the altar unworthily.-&quot;<br />

Besides, the priest on the altar offers to God in sacri<br />

fice the immaculate Lamb; that is,<br />

Son of God.<br />

the very<br />

On this account, says St. Jerome, the priest should be<br />

so chaste as not only to abstain from every impure<br />

action, but also to avoid every indecent glance.<br />

6<br />

St.<br />

John^ Chrysostom likewise has written that a priest<br />

should have purity which would make him fit to stand<br />

1<br />

&quot;Cum ipsi templum et sacrarium Spiritus Sanctl debeant esse, in-<br />

2 &quot;<br />

dignum est eos immunditiis deservire.&quot; Cap. Decernimus. dist. 28.<br />

Sus lota in volutabro luti !&quot; Pet. ii. 22.<br />

Deum in ipsis habitantem corrumpunt, quantum in se est, et vitiorum<br />

suorum conjunctione poluunt.&quot; -Ptrdctg. 1. 2, c. 10.<br />

4<br />

Sacerdotes &quot;<br />

ejus contempserunt legem meam, et polluerunt sanc-<br />

et coinquinabor in medio eorum.&quot; Ezech. xxii. 26.<br />

tuaria mea; . . .<br />

5 &quot;<br />

Polluimus corpus Christi, quando indigni accedimus ad altare.&quot;<br />

In Mai. i. 7.<br />

6 &quot;<br />

Pudicitia sacerdotalis,<br />

non solum ab opere immundo, sed etiam<br />

a jactu oculi sit libera.&quot; In Tit. i. 8, 9.

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