Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books

Untitled - Saints' Books


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300 Material for Instructions. [PART n.<br />

Bernard admonished Pope Eugene not to omit medita<br />

tion on account of external affairs; and added, that he<br />

who gives up mental prayer may fall into hardness of<br />

heart, which will destroy all remorse for his faults, so<br />

that after having committed them he shall feel no<br />

hatred for them. 1<br />

St, Laurence Justinian says that the works of Martha,<br />

without the recollection of Mary, cannot be perfect. 8<br />

He deceives himself, says the saint, who expects, with<br />

out the aid of prayer, to succeed in the work of saving<br />

souls a work as dangerous as it is sublime; without the<br />

reflection of mental prayer, he shall certainly faint on<br />

the way. 3<br />

Our Lord commanded his disciples to preach<br />

what they heard in prayer: That which you hear in the<br />

ear, preach ye upon the housetops? By the ear in this<br />

place is understood the ear of the heart, to which God<br />

promises to speak in the solitude of prayer: I will lead<br />

her into the wilderness, and I will speak to her heart?<br />

In -prayer, says St. Paulinus, we conceive the spirit,<br />

which we must afterwards communicate to others. 6<br />

Hence, speaking of priests, St. Bernard complained,<br />

that though a priest should be first a cistern, that is, full<br />

of holy lights and affections collected in prayer, and<br />

afterwards a canal to diffuse them among his neighbors,<br />

still there are in the Church many canals and few cis-<br />

1 &quot;<br />

Timeo tibi, Eugeni, ne multitude negotiorum, intermissa oratione<br />

et consideratione, te ad cor durum perducat; quod seipsum non exhorret,<br />

quia nee sentit.&quot; De Cons. 1. i, c. 2.<br />

2 &quot;<br />

Marthae studium, absque Mariae gustu, non potest esse perfectum.&quot;<br />

&quot;<br />

Fallitur quisquis opus hoc periculosum, absque orationis praesidio,<br />

si ab interna maneat refec-<br />

consummare se posse putat; in via deficit,<br />

tione jejunus.&quot;<br />

De Inst. prccl. c. u.<br />

4<br />

Quod in aure<br />

&quot;<br />

auditis, praedicate super tecta.&quot; Matth. x. 27.<br />

5<br />

Ducam earn &quot; in solitudinem, et loquar ad cor ejus.&quot; Osee, ii. 14.<br />

6<br />

In oratione &quot;<br />

fit<br />

conceptio spiritualis.&quot;<br />

E. ad Severium.

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