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212 ANALYSIS OF THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 213<br />

A'<br />

the elements) by an absolutely reliable person 1 (the<br />

Buddha). In order to come to the cognition of the<br />

Degree of Highest Mundane Virtues<br />

by means of this meditation, one must first of all concentrate<br />

one's mind upon the fact that it is impossible<br />

to insist upon the reality of the ten Stages of the Bodhisattva<br />

in the sense of their representing the Result of<br />

Entering the Stream, the position of a candidate for it,<br />

and so on. (This is demonstrated in the Sutras) in<br />

details, \<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 107a. 12b. 1.] WITfl c 4PT^Ff<br />

*FFTT<br />

t#ft*i f&t %m wfatfb&m. 1 (w. 4c, d, 5.)<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 10%. 3-6.] gah-gi-phyir de-bzingsegs-pqs<br />

byah-chub mnon-par-rdzagsrpar-sans-rgyasnas<br />

de-kho-na-fiid-du-na chos gah mi-dmigs-pa dehi-phyir<br />

dnos-po hdi-dag sgyu-mahi mh-bzin kho-na snan-ba-yin<br />

no zes tshad-mar-gyur-pahi skyes-bus ma-gzigs-pahi gtontshigs~kyis<br />

hthad-pahi mi-dmigs-pa-bsgom-pas rgyas-par<br />

rgyun-du-zugs-pahi hbras-bu dan. zugs-pa-la-sogs-pas sa<br />

bcu-la mhon-par-zen-pahi tshul-gyis gnas-par-mi-byaho<br />

zes de4tar~bsgom~par~byaho . 3<br />

1 pramana~purusm=tshad-mahi skyesbu.<br />

2 korana had here the meaning of logical argument." This<br />

is confirmed by the Tib, which gives the equivalent gtan-tshigs<br />

which usually corresponds to hetu in the sense of a logical argument<br />

or reason. Gf. my Index ad Nyayabindu and Tlka s.v. Parana and<br />

hetu.<br />

3 Pane. II. 93b. l-98a. 2.—^aii-ii-lta gzan-yan rgyun~du~£ugs~<br />

pahi hbras bu hdus-ma-byas-pas gdags zes-bya-bur dmigs-pahi<br />

tshuhgyis gnas-par mi-byaho .....ses-rab-kyi pha-rol~tu~phyin~pa-la<br />

de-Har mi-dmigspahi tshul-gyis-gnas-par-byaho. bslab-par byaho =<br />

Ast. 36. 5—38. 6. ~<br />

III, The Omniscience in regard of the Path as the<br />

Cognition of the Path of the Pratyekabuddhas. Sfc^f^T-<br />

^FffFWft *TRTig"T =rah-rgyal~gyi~lam ses-pahi lam-ses.<br />

Kar. II. 6-8. (13).<br />

1. Definition and varieties ace. to Don. 2. The points oi<br />

superiority of the Pratyekabuddha's Path. 3. The Teaching of the<br />

Doctrine without words (asabda-dharma-desana). 4. The essential<br />

character of the Pratyekabuddha's Path. 5. Limits.<br />

Definition: The Path of the Mahayanist Saint<br />

which agrees with the character of cognition, peculiar to<br />

the Pratyekabuddhas and has for its aim the assistance<br />

to those 1 converts who belong to the Pratyekabuddha<br />

spiritual lineage. In its predominant part it represents<br />

the immediate direct perception of the objective unreality<br />

of the external world, its object being the twelve bases<br />

of cognition 1 (which are intuited as being devoid of the<br />

character of external objects).<br />

[Don. 8b. 2.] gdul-bya rah-rgyaUgyi cheddu dmigspa<br />

skyG-mched bqu-gnis-la dmigs-nas rnam-pa gzuh-bya<br />

phyi-don-gyis dben-par mnon~sum-du rtogs-pahi cha-nas<br />

bzag-pahi rah-rgyal-gyi rtogs-rigs-su-gnas~pahi hphagslam<br />

de. rah-rgyal-gyi lam-ses-pahi lam-ses-kyi mtshanfiid.<br />

Varieties : T h e P a t h s of I l l u m i n a t i o n ,<br />

C o n c e n t r a t e d C o n t e m p l a t i o n , and t h e<br />

U l t i m a t e .<br />

[Ibid. 8b. 3.] dbye~na mthoh sgom mi-slob J lam<br />

gsum yod.<br />



^RAVAKA. Kar. II. 6.<br />

After the Path of the £ravaka, the exposition of the<br />

Path of the Pratyekabuddha is in its proper place.<br />

There may here however arise the following question : —<br />

In what respect are the Pratyekabuddhas superior to the<br />

&ravakas, so that their Path must be regarded as a special<br />

variety)—Accordingly, we have first a demonstration of<br />

the points of superiority (of the Pratyekabuddha and his<br />

cognition).—<br />

[Abhis, aloka, MS, 107b. 3-6.]

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