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348 ANALYSIS OF,<br />

Dfinition: The impediments which are<br />

adverse either to the origination) of (the Bodhisattva's<br />

Training), or to its continuance, or to its success.<br />

[Don. 15b. 2.] . sbyor-ba &h\yie-ba dan gnas-pa dan<br />

khyad-par-du-hgro-ba gah~run~la bar-du-gcod-pahi gegs<br />

de. sbyor-bahi skyon-gyi mtshan-nid.<br />

After the exposition of the moral merits, there may<br />

arise the question :— of what kind are the defects<br />

representing the impediments to the<br />

Training which must be fully removed in order that<br />

the concentration according to the (20) Methods could be<br />

duly practised.* 3^ Accordingly, these defects will presently<br />

be spoken of.—<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS, 234b. 12-14.] JpgH^cR % jp: H#-<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 237b. 2-3.] yon-tan-gyi hog-iu yen<br />

gan-zig yoh's-su spans-pas sbyor-ba-rnams bsgom-parbya-bahi<br />

sbyor-bahi bar-chad-byed-pahi sky°n yah gahdag<br />

yin zes de-dag-gi bar-chad-da-hgyur-baihi sliyonbi4an-pahi~phyir.<br />

[In the Pane, the passages referring to the defects cf<br />

the Bodhisattva's Training begin on fol. 35a. 1-3 (III). In<br />

the Ast. this is the beginning of the Chapter concerning<br />

the Activity of the Evil One i 1 —<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 340<br />

Training and 23 defective conditions (for its continuance<br />

and result).<br />

[Don. 15b. 2-3] dbije-na ze-drug yod-de. sbyor-ba<br />

ma-skyes-pa &kyed-pahi hgal-rkyen ner~gsum dan.<br />

mthum-rkyen ma-tshan-ba-fier-gsum yod-pahi-phijir.<br />

The defects are as follows :—<br />

(a) 2 0 u n f a v o u r a b l e condiitio n s f o r<br />

the T r a i n i n g which can be extant with<br />

t h e m e d i t a t o r himsel i. 1 These are :—<br />

1. The attainment of the knowledge of the Climax<br />

of Wisdom with great difficulty and<br />

during a long period of time. (1).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 235a. 2.] fr^Tf^: I<br />

[Rnam-bsad, 223b. 2.] yum-gyi tshig~don~la dus yunrih-mo-zig-nas<br />

fies-pa sl^fe-ba tshegs-chen-pos hthob-pa 2<br />

2. Sudden flashes of idea regarding the<br />

Knowledge of the Climax of Wisdom which arise<br />

too quickly, without a full and accurate<br />

examination. (2).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 235a. 4.] ^T^fa*rHrr I<br />

[Rnam-bsad. 223b. 2.] rnthah ma-brtags-par hes-pa<br />

myur-du sk.ye~ba spobs-pa ha-can-myur-baho. 3<br />

3. Unsuitable behaviour 4 during the<br />

study of Prajiia-paramita, as yawning, laughing etc. (3).<br />

[Ahis. aloka. MS. 235, omitted]<br />

Thereupon the reverend Subhuti addressed the Lord as<br />

follows :—These, O Lord, are the merits of the noble<br />

youths and the noble maidens, which thou hast spoken<br />

of. Tell me now, O Lord, of what kind are the impedi-<br />

^ments that may occur to them (i.e. to the Bodhisattvaa). 2<br />

' Samcaya, 36a. 1-2.<br />

1 Rnam-bsad, 223b. 1.—sbyor-bahi hgal-rkyen rah-la brten-pa<br />

ni-su.<br />

2 Pane. III. 35a. 3-7.^-Rab-hbyor spobs-pa ka-can hphyi-ste<br />

skye-ma, Rab-hbyor de ni hyan-chen-gyis bdud-kyi las-su rig-parbyaho<br />

etc. =As t . 232. 9-11.-^<br />

t fifar<br />

3 Pane. HI. 35a. 7-b. 3.—bcom-ldan-hdas cihi-slad-du sin-tu<br />

myur~bar spobs-pa skyi-bar-hgym.—Ast. 232. 11-12.-<br />

Varieties: Are 46 in number, including 23<br />

unfavourable conditions for the commencement of the<br />

Cf. Samcaya, 36a. 2-b. I.-—<br />

1 Mar a-k arm a-p arivar.ta,<br />

A$|asahasrika.<br />

trj<br />

the eleventh Chapter of the<br />

4 Lit. "Corporeal depravity.**<br />


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