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82 ANALYSIS OF<br />

THE<br />


6 The imputation regarding the Ego as the substratum<br />

of the quality of absence of passion. *kF*HWTCTOT-<br />

"ra^^HJ = hdod-chags dah-bral~bahi rten-gyi bdag-gi<br />

rnam-par-rtog-pa. 1<br />

7 The imputation regarding the Ego as the substratum<br />

of (the elements constituting) the Path of Illumination.<br />

^WTnfarcT^Rft^q: = mthoh-bahilam-gyi rten-gyi bdag-gi<br />

rnam-par-rtog-pa. 2<br />

8 The imputation regarding the Ego as the substratum<br />

of (the elements constituting) the Path of Concentrated<br />

Contemplation. 3 ^T^TW^WRiff^^i; = sgom-pahi<br />

lam-gyi rten-gyi bdag-gi rnam-par-rtog-pa. 4<br />

9 The imputation of the Ego as the substratum (of<br />

the elements constituting the personality) that has perfectly<br />

attained the ultimate essential aim. cn^t^TRTcH-<br />

= don-byas-pahi rten-gyi bdag-gi rnam-par-rtog~<br />

pa."<br />

D. The imputation in regard to<br />

the subject as a nominal reality.<br />

Definition: Realistic views which, being<br />

directed upon the subject as a nominal entity, maintain its<br />

reality as cf a factor that experiences. Such is this imputation<br />

in its predominant pare.<br />

[Skabs. I. 228a. 5.] rah-gi dmigs-yul btags-hdzinla<br />

dmigs-nas lohs-spyod-pa-por bden-par-hdzin-pahi chanas-bzeg-pahi<br />

bden-hdzin.<br />

Varieties: These are 9 in number: 6 —<br />

1 Ibid. 149a. 5.—bsam-gtan-rnatns mi-dmigs-so.—The 4 Degrees<br />

of Trance are not to be perceived (as having a separate reality).<br />

2 Ibid. 149a. 4-5.-r-hphags-pahi bden-pa-rnams mi-dmigs-so.—<br />

The 4 Truths, etc.<br />

3 Lun. I. 200a. 4.—rnam-thar snoms-hjug-gi bdag-nid sgompahi<br />

lam.—The Path of Cone. Contempl. which essentially consists of<br />

the (8) Degrees of Liberation from Materiality (vimok§a) and the (4)<br />

Degrees of Absorption in the Immaterial Sphere.<br />

4 Pane. I. 149a. 5.—rnam-par-thar-pa-rnams-dan etc.—The 8<br />

Degrees of Liberation are not to be perceived.<br />

5 Ace. to Lun. this refers to the 10 Powers of the Buddha etc.—<br />

The Pane. I. 149a. 6. has accordingly de-bzin-gsegs-pahi stobs bcu<br />

dan. mi-hjigs~pa-bzi dan ....mi-dmigs-so.<br />

6 The Sansk. version of the following is an extract from the<br />

Abhis.aloka, MS. 55b. 9-12. .' .<br />

1 The * imputation regarding the nominal reality,<br />

.of the 5 groups of elements. ^^SRffijffifawW ^phun-po J-Q<br />

biags-yed-du mam-par*Hog-pa. 1 }<br />

2 The imputation regarding the nominal reality of<br />

the bases of cognition. WRtWTijf^f^^: = skye-mchecl<br />

btags-yQd-du rnam-par-rtog-pa. 2<br />

3 The imputation regarding the nominal reality of<br />

the (18) component elements of an individual. ^lfPW%-<br />

fi^fS^f: =1ihams btags-yod-du rnam-pair-rtogrpa. 3 :;<br />

4 The imputation regarding the (12 membered formula<br />

of) dependent origination.<br />

j=rtenrcih"hbrel~p&r-hbyun-ba-btags-yod-du rnam-par-rtog~<br />

•pa.'<br />

5 The imputation regarding the nominal reality of i I<br />

the purifying elements.sa|c|^«fj|g%fq^q: = mam-par-byajj~<br />

ba btags-yod-du rnam-par-rtog-pa. 5<br />

'<br />

6 The imputation regarding the nominal reality of<br />

the Path of Illumination. ^IITRn^fef^^^f! = mthoh-bahilam<br />

btags-yod-du rnam-pdr-rtog-pa. 6<br />

1 Pane. I. 152a. 3-4.—Rab-hbyor de jisnam-du sems. gzugs kyan<br />

gzan-la. sgyu~ma yan gzan-zig yin snam-mam.—O Subhuti, how doest<br />

thou think about it Is Matter one entity and the Illusion (of it)—<br />

another<br />

2 Pane. I. 152a. 5.—Rab-hbyor de ji-sfiam du sems.mig %/an<br />

.gzan-la sgyu-ma-yan gzan-zig yin sham-mam.—O Subhuti how doest<br />

thou think about it Is (the faculty of) vision one entity and the<br />

Illusion (of it) another etc. (follow similar indications in regard to<br />

all the other bases of cognition).<br />

3 Ibid. 152a. 5-7.—gzugs ky°n gzan-la rnig-gi rnam-par~£espa<br />

yan gzan-la. sgyu-ma yan gzan-zig yin snam-mam.—Is the visible<br />

matter one entity etc land Ss visual consciousness one entity and<br />

the illusion (of it), another <br />

4 Ace. to Lun. I. 200b. 4.—sgyu-ma yan gzan-la rten-cin-hbrelpar-hbyun~ba<br />

hah gzan In the Peking edition we have instead<br />

similar indications concerning visual sensation (tnig-gi hdus-te~reg-pa =<br />

caksuh-satnspmsa), etc.<br />

5 Pane. I. 153b. 1.—byan-chub-kyi phyogs-kyi chos-mams-hyi<br />

bar yan gzan ma-lags.—The (37) characteristic features of Enlightenment<br />

are not one entity, etc.<br />

6 As in the preceding case the Lun. (and the other Tibetan<br />

Commentaries) refer to a version of the Pane, evidently differing from<br />

that of the Peking edition.—Lun. 200b. 5-6.-—stoh-pa-fiid dan mtshanma-mod-pa<br />

dan smon-pa-med-pa yan gzan etc.

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