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10 ANALYSIS OF<br />

progressive process of intuition has for its aim the attainment<br />

of perfect certainty (in regard of each of the aspects<br />

of the 3 forms of Omniscience).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. MS. 375a. 5 sqq.]<br />

[Sphut 841b. 6—85a. 2.] rtse-mohi mhon-par-rtogs-pa<br />

thob-pa so~so-ha dan bsdus-pa-nid-du rtogs-pahi don-mam"<br />

go-nms-bzin-dti blags-nas brtan-por-bya-bahi-phytr rnampar-sgom-par-byed-pas<br />

mthar-gyis-pahi mhon-par-riogspa.<br />

Varieties:—13 forms of progressive intuition.<br />

[Don. 3a. 4.] mthar-gyis sbyor-ba bcu-gsum. 1<br />

Limits: Beginning with the Mahayanistic Path of<br />

Accumulating Merit and ending before the final moment<br />

of the Process of Illumination.<br />

[Ibid. 3a. 5.] sa-mtshams theg-chen-gyi ishogs-lamnas<br />

rgyun-mthahi sfia-logs bar-du yod.<br />

IV. T h e final m o m e n t a r y I n t u i t i o n .<br />

^iqmilfiWirata: = skad-cig-ma-gcig-pahi mhon-par-rdzogspar<br />

byah-chub-pa or ^fin^5" 1^ = sk.ad-cid-tnahi sbyorba.<br />

(7).<br />

Definition: The ultimate yoga of the Mahayanist<br />

Saint, resulting from the progressive process of contemplation<br />

of the aspects of the 3 forms of Omniscience.<br />

[Don. 3a. 5-6.] mkhyen gsum-gyi rnam-pa mthar-gyis<br />

sgom-pa-las byuh-bahi sems-dpahi mal-hbyor mthar-thug.<br />

The individual who has undergone the progressive<br />

process of intuition must finally become fully trained in<br />

the practice of transic meditation. Accordingly those<br />

elements which he has contemplated before he is now<br />

able to intuit directly in one single moment.<br />

is fixed in the mind. On the Path of Accumulating Merit the progressive<br />

process consists in the meditation over the topics which have<br />

been apprehended through study and analysis. The topics thus cognized<br />

on the most inferior degree of the Path of Accumulating Merit<br />

are contemplated again on the intermediate and the higher degrees<br />

of that Path. (Sic. ace. to Gser. I. 86a. 2-3).<br />

1 Cf. below, Chapter VI.<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong><br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 375a. 18-20]<br />

[Sphut. 85b. 3-4.] mthar-gyis-pahi mnon~par-rtogspa<br />

mam-par~bsgoms~pa-ni sin-tu goms-par-bya-bahi-phyir<br />

de-dag-nid sk.ad~cig~ma gcig-gis sgom-pas sk,ad-cig~ma<br />

gcig-pahi mnon-pdr-rdzogs-par by ah-chub ~p a.<br />

Varieties :—4 foims, the difference being with<br />

regard to the point of view'. 1<br />

[Don. 3b. 6.] dbye-na Idog-pahi sgo nas bzi<<br />

Limits: 1 akes place at the final moment of the<br />

Path. 2 [Ibid.] sa-mtsharns rgyun-mthah hho~nar yod.<br />

Ac. The Ultimate Result of the<br />

Path. This is :—<br />

oThe Cosmical Body of the Buddha.<br />

H«H«t»Ni =chos~sk u . (8).<br />

Definition:—The (aggregate of) the purest<br />

virtuous properties which is the result attained by means<br />

of the meditation over the aspects of the 3 forms<br />

of Omniscience.<br />

[Don. 3b. I.] mkhyen gsum-gyi rnam-pa bsgom<br />

stobs-kyis thob-pahi hbVas~bu mthar-thug-pahi zag-medfyyi<br />

yon-tan.<br />

(The Bodhisattva) who has come to the final<br />

momentary Illumination has at the next moment<br />

the full and clearest intuition of the Cosmical Body of<br />

the Buddha (as his own essential nature).<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 377a. 3-4.]<br />

[Sphut. 87b. 3-4.] skad-cig-ma gcig-pahi miion-parrdzogs-par<br />

byah-chub-pa rnam-par-bsgoms-pahi sk&d-cig*<br />

ma ghis-pa-la chos-kyi-sk.ur mhon~patr~rdzogs-par-byahchub-pa.<br />

Varieties:<br />

1. The Cosmical Body as the Ultimate Essence of<br />

1 Cf. below, Chapter VII.<br />

2 The final momentary Illumination (eha-ksana-abhisambodhd}<br />

and the Culminating Degree directly preceding the attainment of Buddhahood<br />

(anantarya-murdha-prayoga) are simultaneous.

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