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IV. The Fundamental Element cf the (Saintly)<br />

Lineage, the Foundation cf the Mahayinistic Activity.<br />

STf6f#fmn: 'X*fi^ vfa^theg-chen sgrub-pahi Hen<br />

rah-b£in-gnas-rigs t Kar. I. 37-39.—(4).<br />

[1. Definition of gotra in accordance with the Madhyamika<br />

standpoint. 2. The element of the lineage in its 13 aspects as the<br />

. substratum of the different degrees of the Path. 3. The conventional<br />

varieties of the gotra are not in conflict with its unique<br />

ultimate nature.]<br />

1. DEFINITION OF gotra AGO. TO THE Madhyamika. STAND-<br />

POINT.<br />

D e fi n i t i o n : The element of the Absolute whicli,<br />

through perfeict purification, becomes fit for Enlightenment<br />

and represents the foundation for the activity of thfe<br />

Mahay anist Saint (whose true nature it forms).<br />

[Don. 5b. 1-2] chos-dbyihs gan sbyahs-na byatjchub-tu<br />

hgyur-ruh yah yin. theg-chmt sgrub-pahi rtengzi-byad-pa.<br />

Varieties: (1) The fundamental element and (2)<br />

the element which becomes developed. Sppf^rS *M<br />

^KS^S ^ = rah-bzin-gnas-rigs dan rgyas-gyur-gyi rigs gnis*<br />

Definition of the fundamental element: The<br />

Absolute Essence, the final metamorphose of which<br />

is the Body of Absolute Existence (of the Buddha).<br />

[Skabs. I. 240a. 1-2.] rah-gi thob-byahi ho-bo-nidskur<br />

hgyur-ruh-gi chos-nid de rah-bzin-gnas-tigs-h.yi<br />

mtsham-nid /<br />

Having been made the object of constant contemplation,<br />

it finally manifests icself as the Cosmical Body which<br />

is devoid of all defilement and is the substratum of all<br />

the Saintly properties. As such it is demonstrated by<br />

numerous examples.<br />

*%. -'[Skabs. I. 240a. 2-3.] de rigs-su hgyur-tshul yod-de.<br />

de hdzin-stahs-su dmigs-te bsgoms-pas hphags-pahi chos<br />

dan dri-ma dah-bral-bahi chos-&k.ur~hgyur-bar dpe dumas<br />

bsad-pahi-phyir. 2 . .. . -<br />

1 The Skabs quotes here Uttaratantra I. Kar. 147, 148. Transl.,<br />

p. 229.<br />

2 In the Uttaratantra (the 9 examples etc.)<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong><br />

Definition of the element which becomes developed •:•<br />

The active element 1 whrlch, being cultivated' by.study etc^<br />

has for its final metamorphose Buddhahood.<br />

[Skabs. I. 240b. 4-5.] thos-sogs-kyis gsos-ihab pahi<br />

rah-gi thob-byahi sahs-rgyas-sa hgyur run-gi dhos-po.<br />

Varieties of the element which! becomes developed :—><br />

1 The force of the mind which has the possibility<br />

of developing into the Body of Absolute Wisdom.<br />

2 The force which has the 1 possibility of developing..<br />

into the corporeal forms (of the Buddha).<br />

[Skabs. I. 240a. 5-6.] ye-ses-ktfi chasseur hgyur^ruhgi'<br />

sems-kifi nus-pa dah. gzugs-s^ur hgyur-ruh-gi sems-kyi<br />

nus-pa gfiis yod. s<br />

Other varieties: The temporary forms of*<br />

the element of the lineage (i.e. of the ^ravakas, the<br />

Pratyekabuddhas and the Bodhisattvas), 3 the definite and ;<br />

the indefinite forms, and the element which temporarily,<br />

becomes annihilated. - - - • - • ^<br />

[Skabs. I. 240b. 2.] dbtje-nd gnas-skab$-kyi rigs gsum<br />

dan ma-hes-pa dah gnas-sfyabs-su rigs-chad. . . . 4<br />

1 dnos-po = vastu. is always opposed to rtag-pa = nitya. Acc^<br />

to Tibetan tradition vastu = dnos-po } samskrta = hdus~byas, samt)rta=i<br />

kun-rdzob etc. are to be regarded as synomyms.<br />

2 The Skabs. quotes the Uttaratantra, cf. above.<br />

3 Ace, to the adherents of the theory of the Unique Vehicle<br />

(eka-yana-naya vadinah) i.e. the Svatantrikas and Prasangikas, the<br />

position of the ^ravaka and Pratyekabuddha Arhat does not represent<br />

a final result. Cf. Uttaratantra, p. 169 and "Doctrine of Pr.-par'* s<br />

p. 28-30.<br />

4 In connection with this paragraph the Skabs gives moreover<br />

the definitions of gotra in accordance with the other 3 Buddhistic<br />

schools, as follows :— . . • ;<br />

Ace. to the Vaibh asikas the element of the Saintly<br />

Lineage is the consciousness free from attachment (to worldly objects)/<br />

or otherwise, contentment.-^—Skabs. I. 238a. 6.—-<br />

i<br />

Bye-smras ma-chags-pahi ses-pa chog-ses hphags-pahi rigs~stt%<br />

hdod (sic. ace. to Abh. kosa.).<br />

Ace. to the Sautrantikas it is the "seed* or the forcen<br />

inherent in the mind which brings about the origination of the Un--<br />

defiled wisdom of the Saint. Ibid. 232a. 6-b 1.—Mdo-sde has zagA<br />

med ye~4es hbyuh-run-gi sems-kyi nus-pahatn sa-boti-la rigs-sii hdod.<br />

Ace. to the Yogacaras: (a), without admission of the storeconsciousness<br />

(alaya-vijnana= \un~gzi~rnam-par-ses-pa).—A piure force 1<br />

which governs the 6 internal bases of cognition and which, if it meets*<br />

with favourable conditions, becomes a force which brings about the;<br />

intuition of the Truth peculiar to either of the 3 Vehicles,—Rnambsad<br />

102a. 5-6.t—\un-gzi ma-bzag na nan sl^ye-mched drug-gi sten-n$t'i

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