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190. ANALYSIS OF<br />

[Abhis. .aloka, MS. 84b. 13-15.]<br />

\ = ^4%Km^\ ^ (i. 73a.).<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 83b. 7-8.] mam-pa-tharus-cadnikhyen-pa-nid<br />

rtogs-pa-med-par thob-pa-med-par thobpahi<br />

nes-par-hbyun-bar mi-hgyur~bas dehi hog-ta mampa~thams-cad-mkhyen~pa~md~du<br />

fies-par-hbyun-ba. 1<br />

8. The Issuein the Ultimate Stages<br />

of the Path. The Issue in the Omniscience of the<br />

Buddha cannot be realized without the special (or<br />

highest) Degrees of the Path. 2 Therefore we have immediately<br />

after (and last of all) the Issue in (the final degrees<br />

of) the Path.<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 89a. 4-6.]<br />


Limits : (The Action of the Issue) is restricted to the<br />

three Pure Stages. 1<br />

[Don. 7b.] sa-tnishams dag-pa sa gsarn-na yod.<br />

i=£rckf ^n'ml^n (1. 73b.).<br />

•[tg. MDO. VI. 83b. 7-8.] mam-pa-thams-cadmkhyen-pahi<br />

hes-parhbyim-ba de yah Jihyad~par~gyi4am«<br />

Ic-sogs-pa med-par-mi-hbyuh-bas dehi-hog-tu lam-gyi<br />

nes-par-hbyun-ba. 3<br />

1 Pane II. 48b. 8 sqq.—byan chen c/es-%ari chos thatns-cadyi<br />

rnatn-pa thams-cad ses-te chos de-dag-la mnon~par~£en-pa trieddo.<br />

condensed ace. to Gser. —Ast. 27. 7-8 sqq.— |jcf<br />

etc.—He who has attained the Climax of Wisdom (or Enlightenment)<br />

cognizes all the elements of existence in all their aspects,<br />

but has no preconceived realistic views in regard of the said<br />

elements.— Dutt, 256, 7-12 etc.<br />

2 Such as the vajropamasamadhi at the final moment of the<br />

Path.—Rnam-bsad, 143a. l.—Jzliyadpar-gyi latn rdo-rje-lta-buhi tiiine~hdzin-gyis<br />

bsdus-pa.<br />

3 Pane. II. 74b. 3.—ji-liarna byanchen phyin-drug-la spyodpahi-tshe<br />

byan~chub-l%yi lam yons-su sbyon-ba-yin. Rab-hbyor-gyis<br />

smras-pa. tshe-dan-ldan-pa §a-rihi bu sbyin-pahi phar-phyin~ni hjig<br />

rten-pa yah yod. hjig-rten-lashdas-pa yan yod. = Dutt, 263, 18-21.—<br />

How does the Bodhisattva who practises the six Transcendental<br />

Virtues bring to complete purification the Path to Enlightenment<br />

Subhuti said : O reverend Sariputra, there is the mundane Transcendental<br />

Virtue- of Charity, and there is the supermundane (the<br />

latter referring to the Path of the Bodhisattva. The version of the<br />

Ast. is different. (31. 10 sqq. q. v,).<br />

1 Cf. above. Ace. to Skabs. I. 288b. 2-3 the Action of the<br />

Issue, the intuition of the identity of Samsara and Nirvana (bhavasanti-cantata,<br />

Kir. IV. 60), the purification of the Sphere of<br />

Buddhahood (\setra-iuddhi-prayoga, Kar. IV, 61), the skill of the<br />

Bodhisattva (upaya~kausala, Kar. IV. 62,63) and the intuition on<br />

the three Pure Stages (suddha-bhumi-jnana) are to be regarded as<br />

synonymous, representing the manifestation of the Transcendental<br />

Wisdom of the Bodhisattva at the and of the Path from different<br />

points of view, (rtes-hbyun sgrub-pa dan. srid-zi mnam-nid kyi<br />

sgrub~pa dan. zih-dag sbyor-ba dan. ihabs-mfyhas-sbyorba dan.<br />

dag-sahi yeses-mams don-gcig).

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