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365 ANALYSIS OF<br />

respectively acquired and removed. It is moreover necessary<br />

to know about the characteristic features of the<br />

Training. For this reason, directly after the exposition of<br />

the defects, we take up the characteristics (laksana). If<br />

we speak of laksana, we have to understand this term (in<br />

two senses) :—<br />

With an instrumental sense, 1 it refers<br />

to the cognition, the- points of superiority,<br />

and the action (which are the factors<br />

characterizing the Training of the Bodhisattva). 2 With<br />

the objective sense 3 it means the essence<br />

(of the Bodhisattva's Training as the part characterized).<br />

[Abhis. aloka. 242a. 1-3 and 5-8. 4 ]<br />

fSphut. 53b. 6-54a. 2-4.] go-rtm-bzin-du yon-tan dan<br />

sl%yen blan-ba dan dor-bas sbyor-ba-mams bsgom-parbya-ba-ni<br />

mtshan-nid ses-pa snon-du-hgro-ba-can yin-pas.<br />

skyon-gyi hog-tu de-dag-gi mtshan-nid... byed-par sgrubpa®<br />

hdis sbyor-ba-rnams mtshon-par byed-pas-na. ses-pa<br />

dan kfry^d-par dan byed-pa dan las-su-sgrub-pas derhams<br />

mishon~par-bya~ba yin-pas fio-ho~nid~kyi mtshannid-de.<br />

mishan-nid-ni mam-pa bzir ses-par-byaho. 5<br />

2 lafysyate anena Hi lalzsanam.<br />

3 k. a nasadharta.<br />

4 The order of the MS. is here inverted.<br />

5 In the Gser. IV. 7la. 1-4 we have moreover as follows;—<br />

xf a certain adherent of the Mahayanistic spiritual family (mahayanagotrakfl)<br />

actually becomes possessed of the desire of attaining Supreme<br />

Enlightenment, then, at the time he enters into the degrees of yoga<br />

concentrated upon the Climax of Wisdom, which (yoga) is the cause<br />

of Enlightenment,—it is necessary to investigate, whether the force<br />

producing the final Illumination exists (with the said member of the<br />

Mahayanistic family) or not. Accordingly we must know :—(1) the<br />

characteristics of the knowledge which leads to final<br />

Enlightenment, arid (2) the characteristics of the activity<br />

accompanying this cognition. Indeed, if the faculty of bringing<br />

the projects of other living beings to full accomplishment f is not<br />

to be perceived with the individual in question, the knowledge alone<br />

(will be insufficient), for the mere cognition of the Truth without the<br />

activity on behalf of others is not the chief aim of a Mahayanist.<br />

Again, if these two forces (i.e. that of cognition and of altruistic<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 367<br />



Definition: The Transcendental Intuition of<br />

the Bodhisattva, governed by Great Commiseration, by<br />

the Highest Analytic Wisdom cognizing the principle of<br />

Non-substantiality (and Relativity) etc., these special<br />

forms of means and knowledge having been brought to<br />

full accomplishment.<br />

[Don. 16b. 5-6] snih-rje-chen-po dan stoh-nid rtogspahi<br />

ses-rmb-sogs thobs-ses khyad-par-can-gyi rigs rdzogspas<br />

zin-pahi sems-dpahi ye-ses de sbyor-bahi no-bor~<br />

gyur-pabii ses-pahi mtshan-nid.<br />

Case falling under the definition:<br />

The 16 forms of the intuition of the Bodhisattva, free from<br />

defiling elements, from their distinctive marks etc. 1<br />

[Ibid.] mtshan-gzi non-mons rtags-sogs-kyis dbenpahi<br />

$ems-dpahi rnal-hbyor bcu-drug Ita-bu.<br />

activity) exist on the Path of a Sravaka or a Pratyeka-buddha these<br />

will nevertheless refrain from entering the Mahayanistic Path which<br />

presents many difficulties that have to be overcome. In order to<br />

make it known that such difficulties do not exist] (with the Bodhisattva),<br />

an indication of the points of superiority (characterizing<br />

the Mahayanist and his Path) is made. Finally, it is necessary<br />

to know the essential character of the meditative<br />

T r a i n i n g,—of what kind is the extirpation of the Obscurations<br />

and the cognition of the Truth attained by it. We meet therefore<br />

with the necessity of indicating tthe last variety of the lak§anas (the<br />

16 aspects of Training as the part characterized). Therefore the<br />

knowledge of tlhe characteristics (laksana) must go before the actual<br />

process of meditative training. In such a manner the necessity of<br />

an analysis of the characteristics and their definite number is indicated —<br />

theg-chen-gyi rigs-can gcig ties-par bla-med byan-chuh don~du-gner~ba~<br />

na dehi rgyu yum-gyi rnal-hbyor-la hjug-la dehi tshe de-la rtogS'<br />

pa mthar-thug skyed-pahi nus-pa yod-med dpyod dgos-pas de-la sesmtshan<br />

den, de-lahan gzan~don mthar-thug skyed-pahi nus-pa misnan-na<br />

rtogs-pa-tsam thsg-chen-gyi don-du-gner-byahi gtso-bo mayin-pas<br />

de ses-pa la byed mtshan dan. nus-pas de gnis nan-ran-gi<br />

lam-la yan yod-na d1%ah-ba du-ma spyad-dgos-pahi theg-chen lam-la<br />

hjug-pa Idog-pas de med-par ses-pa-la \hyad-mtshandan sbyor-ba de<br />

ran-gi~no~bo spans-rtogs ji-lta-bu dan-ldan-pa ses-par-byed-pa-la<br />

mtshan-nid tha^rna bstan dgos-pas mtshan-nid ses-pa sbyor-ba sgompahi<br />

snon-du-hgro-bahi tshul de yin-no. hdis mtshan-nid gtan-la-phabpahi<br />

dgos-pa dan grans-nes-pa yan bstan~to.<br />

1 I.e. the essence of the Training as the part characterized<br />


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