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124 ANALYSIS OF<br />

becomes originated with (the Bodhisattva) who manifests his<br />

skill in practising the 6 Transcendental Virtues. The point<br />

meditated on is the welfare of other living beings. 1<br />

9. The A'ccumualtion of Transcendental<br />

Analysis. The latter becomes originated with<br />

him who has come to Mental Quiescence and is characterized<br />

by the cognition of the object upon which the mind is concentrated,<br />

of the agent and of the act itself, without the notion of<br />

their having a separate reality. 2 —<br />

' ;: I f^RMWR: f Abhis. aloka, MS. 67a. 1-2.]<br />

(46b.).<br />

[Gser. I. 295b. 1*2] phyin-drug-gi ihabs dah-ldan-pala<br />

tin-fie-hdzin sfyye-bas gzan-don-la H$e-gcig~iu gnas-pahi £ignas<br />

dan. de thob-pa-la lhag-mihoh sk^e-ba zi-gnas~\yi ^ul mi~<br />

dmigs-par rtogs-pahi lhag-mthoh (—gi tshogs),<br />

10. The Accumulation of the Path including<br />

both (the former) combined together,<br />

(The Bodhisattva), in practising Transcendental<br />

Analysis which is directed upon the principle of Non-substantiality,<br />

can easily 'fall, into the Small Vehicle and attain only<br />

that form of Enlightenment which is peculiar to the ^ravakas etc.<br />

Therefore he must adopt the Path where both (mental Omniscience<br />

and Transcendental Analysis, are combined together and where,<br />

owing to wisdom and skill, the fall into the extremities of the<br />


Phenomenal World >rld and of Hfnayanistic Hfnayi Nirvana is made<br />

impossible. 1 —<br />

[Abhis, aloka, MS. 68a. 6-8.]<br />

(46c).<br />

II. The Accumulation of Skill. (The<br />

Bodhisattva) who is endowed with the Accumulation of<br />

(Mental Omniscience and Transcendental Analysis) combined<br />

together, manifests his skill in the means of action etc., for the<br />

sake of other living beings, his mind being directed towards<br />

the attainment of Omniscience, Accordingly, we have next the<br />

Accumulation of f Skill.<br />

3<br />

[Abhis. aloka, MS. 70b. 1-4.]<br />

RMi; (46d.).<br />

[Tg. MDO. VI. 69a. 7-8.] zun~da-hjug-pahi lam~gyi<br />

tshogs dan-ldan-pa-ni mam"pa~tham$~cad~mkliyen-pa''riid danmb'tu-ldan-pahi<br />

yid-la-byed-pas sems-can-gyi don byed-pahiphyir<br />

thabs4a~mkhas~pahi tshogs yin-no*<br />

125<br />

1 In the Ast. the teaching about the first 7 varities of sambhara<br />

pratipatti is considered to be summarised in the passage (20. 16, 17.)<br />

iPfi^T J3jt ^fW vrfrfimmfq^oZfl ^f% I Innumerable living beings<br />

are to be 'ed by me to Nirvana.—With regard to samatha-sambhara<br />

we have in the Pane. I. 202b. 6-8.—Rab-hbyor gzan-yan byan-chen<br />

go-cha chen-po bgos sin sar-phyogs-k.yi hjig-rtengyi k.hams Gangahi<br />

kJun-gi bye-ma-sned~dag-fu son ziii ji-ltar bdag sbyin-pahi pha«<br />

rol-tu~phyin-pa-la gnas-pa de-bzin-du hjig-rten-gyi 1%hams de-dagna<br />

sems~can ji sned-cig hk.hod~pa de-dag thams-cad k.yan sbyin-pahi<br />

pha-rol-tu-phyin pa-la yan-dag-par-bs\ul zin gzog-go. =Dutt, 190.<br />

5-7,—Again, O Subhuti, the B. M. v endowed with th© Great Outfit,<br />

goes to all the latids of the eastern quarter which are innumerable<br />

like the sands of the Ganges. And, as he abides himself in the<br />

• practice of the Climax of Charity, he incites to practise it all the<br />

living beings in these lands and supports them.<br />

2 Ibid. 203a. 8.205a. 4. (Cf. Appendix).<br />

3 Here instead of vipasyana.<br />

1 Cf. above. The fall into Hlnayana means that th© Bodhisattva,<br />

in perceiving everything as unreal, can cease to care for the<br />

weal of other living beings,<br />

2 The 3 preceding varities of the Action of Accumulation, i.e.<br />

iamath a~sambhara, vipasyana-sambhara, and yuganaddha-margasambhara<br />

relate to the state of intense concentration (samahitajnana<br />

— mnam-bzag-ye-ses), whereas the Accumulation of skill refers<br />

to the Wisdom of the Bodhisattva which is acquired after the termination<br />

of the trance (prstha-labdha-jnana — rjes-thob-ye'Ses),<br />

3 Pane, L 212b, 4.—Rab-hbyor pharol~ttt-phyin-pa drug-ni.<br />

byan-chen-gyi theg-pa~ehen-pO'Ste,=Dutt, 194. 7-8.-—O Subhuti, the<br />

Great Vehicle of the Bodhisattva is contained in the 6 Transcen*<br />

dental Virtues—Cf. Bu-ston"s History, Tran,«I. vol. I. p. 112.

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