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164 ANALYSIS OF<br />


Kar. I. 59-65. 2<br />

The three Media of Deliverance,<br />

viz. the Medium of No n-s ubstantiality,<br />

(the cognition of all the elements of existence as devoid<br />

of a real essence of their own), 3 the Medium of<br />

N o n-d ifferentiation, (the absence of consideration<br />

for the separate characteristic features of the<br />

elements), 4 and the Medium of Absence of<br />

Desire (not giving way to a mind that is desirous of<br />

further repeated births in the three Spheres of Existence).<br />

5 —By means of these three Media—t he c o n-<br />

ception)of the Ego (as having a real essence of<br />

its own), 6 the consideration of the<br />

characteristic features of the living<br />

beings (as: "this is a man," "this is a woman,"<br />

etc,), 7 and the consideration in favour<br />

of an individual soul (as abiding in the three<br />

Spheres of Existence) 8 ——are respectively removed<br />

(1 -3). ^^^TPriWT5rf%f^^<br />

f--(I. 59a.)—flf|#fgWR (I. 62a).<br />

stoh-pa-nid dan. msthan~rna-med~pa dan. smon-pa-medpaste,<br />

rnam-par-thar-pahi sgo gsurn yan~dag-par~ses~pas.<br />

go-rim-bzin-du bdag dan. sems-can dan. srog-tu-hdzin-pa<br />

med-pa. 9<br />

The full accomplishment of the path of the ten virtuous<br />

actions characterized by the perfect purity of<br />

the three items (i.e. the non-perception of the<br />

subject and object of an action and of the latter itself).<br />

By means of this one becomes free from the<br />

1 Sankrs. version—Abhis. aloka, MS. 77a. 4-6. 11.—Tib. version-Ibid.<br />

Tg. MDO. 75b. 2--76a. 7.—Pane. I. 240a. 6-7.-Rabhhyor<br />

gzan-yan byah-chen sa-bdun-pa-la gnas-pas chos ni-su mihya.<br />

Dutt, 216. 8-14.—Again, O Subhuti, the B.M. who abides<br />

on the seventh Stage, must not do the following 20<br />

thing s.—<br />

2 Kir. I. 59-61 contain an enumeration of the points to be<br />

shunned, and Kar. I. 62-65—an enumeration of the antidotes.<br />

3 Gser. I. 346b. 5.— 4 Ibid. 346b. 6.—<br />

5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 347a. 1.—<br />

7 Ibid. 8 Ibid.<br />

9 Pane. I. 240a. 7.—bdag-tu-hdzin-par mi-byaho. sems can-du<br />

hdzin-pa dan. srog-tu-hdzin-pa dan Ibid. 240b. 3-4.—ston-panid<br />

rdzogs-par~bya~ba dan mishan-ma-med-pa mnon-du-bya-ba dan<br />

smon-pa-med-pa ses-par~bya, etc. = Dutt, 216. 15-23 (the antidotes).<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 165<br />

conception of the individual<br />

indivisible (and independent reality). (4)<br />

(I. 59b.)—Hr^TO^rf^gflsrrd. 62b.)<br />

hkhor gsum yons-su-dag-pahi dge-ba bcuhi las-kyi lam<br />

yons-su~rdzogs~pa mi~gton~bas. gah-zag gcig-tu sponba.<br />

1 The full manifestation of great<br />

mercy and love which have for their object all<br />

the suffering living beings.<br />

Owing to this one c a n n o t b e c o m e<br />

possessed of nihilistic views (regarding<br />

the animate world). (5)<br />

3RTW^^<br />

as<br />

i=^%^... (I. 58b.).-<br />

('• 62c).<br />

sdug-bsnal-gyis gduhs-pahi skye~bo thams-cad-la drnigspahi<br />

snin-brtse-ba rtogs-pas. chad~par~hdzin~pa rned~pa. 2<br />

(A bsence of conceit) manifesting itself<br />

in the non-perception of the reality of all the separate<br />

entities, considering the purification of the Sphere of<br />

Buddhahood.—<br />

It removes the eternalistic conception<br />

in regard of the elements of existence, (viz. the views<br />

which maintain that the elements have a permanent, unchangeable<br />

separate essence of their own). (6)<br />

(I. 59b.)—W*H*T (I. 62c).<br />

scths-rgyas-kyi zih yofis-su-rdzogs-pa-nas ne-bat-bztth-ba<br />

ste. dnos~po thams-cad4a ne-oar ma-drnigs-pas rtag-parhdzin-pa-las<br />

mam-par bzlog-pa. 3<br />

The cognition of the Transcendental<br />

Unity (equality) of all the elements of<br />

existence.—Owing to this one can no more take into<br />

consideration any specific characteristic<br />

marks (relating to the separate elements). (7)<br />

1 Pane. I. 240a. 7.—gan~zag-tu hdzin-pa.,,......240b. 4.^—hkhor<br />

gsum yons-su-dag-pa.<br />

•2 Ibid. 240a. 8.—chad par-hdzin-pa-dan.........240b. 4.—semscan<br />

thams-cad-ia snin-rje zih snin-hrtse-ba.<br />

3 Sic. ace. to the Commentators. In the Pane. (I. 240a. 8.—<br />

240b. 4.) the explanation of amanana is different :—rtag-par-hdzin-pa<br />

dan sems-can de-dag-la brHas par mi-bya-ba.~—Not showing<br />

contempt for those living beings.—

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