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46 ANALYSIS OF<br />


This Path has for its object the 4 Truths or principles<br />

of the saint and consists essentially of the 16<br />

moments, viz. the forms of Perseverance 1 and of resulting<br />

cognition concerning the Doctrine, 2 and the corresponding<br />

introspective forms. 3 The Yogin who cognises the unelement<br />

of audition that is peculiar to the gods, he hears the sounds<br />

of both gods and men."—74a. 8-b. 1. lhahi rna-bahi \hams des bdagni<br />

sgra nan oes-bya-bar rlom-sems-su-hgyur-ba med-do. de-ni hdi-<br />

Itar des rah-bzih stoh-pa dan "But he must not give way to<br />

conceit, thinking : I am endowed with the faculty of audition of the<br />

gods and can hear the (different) sounds.—Indeed this faculty is<br />

devoid of a real essence of its own," etc. etc.<br />

c Concerning the knowledge of the minds<br />

of other living beings: Ibid : 74b. 3.—gan-zag pha~rol-gyi<br />

sems setns-k.yis yah-dag-pa ji-lta-ba-bzin-dtt rab-ta-ses-so. hdod-chags<br />

dah-ldan-pahi sems etc.—"With his mind he perfectly cognizes<br />

the minds of other living beings, that they are possessed of passion"<br />

etc.<br />

d Concerning the remembrance of previous<br />

;<br />

states of existence: Ibid. 75b. 5. ddni snon-gyi gnas rjes^<br />

su-dran-pa rnhon-du-bya-bahi mhon-par-ses-pahi ye-ses rnam-pa duma<br />

mnon par-bsgrub-ste, Sems gcig hyah rjes-su-dran-pa-nas sems<br />

brgyqhi bar-du yah rjes-su dran-no.—"He makes manifest the Knowledge<br />

owing to which the place of former residence is clearly<br />

remembered. And as he possesses such a recollection in regard to<br />

one mind, in the same manner he remembers (the previous states<br />

of) a hundred minds" ,<br />

, 7 e Concerning the sight of the gods: Ibid.<br />

* 76a. 4.—de-ni lhahi mig mam-par ~ dag-pa mi~las~hdm~pas sems-catt<br />

hchi-hpho ba dan s\ye-ba dan \ha-dog sdug-pa dan. \ha-dog misdug-pa<br />

dan. bzah-ba dan etc.—"He, with the perfectly pure superhuman<br />

faculty of vision that is peculiar to the gods, perceives the<br />

death and rebirth of the living beings, the handsome forms, the<br />

ugly forms, the good, the bad" etc.<br />

f Concerning the Knowle d g e conducive to<br />

the extirpation of defilement: Ibid. 76b. 4.—de-ni zagpa<br />

zad-pa mhon-du-bya-bahi mhon-par-ses-pahi ye-ses mhon-par<br />

bsgrub .etc.—"He makes manifest that supernatural Knowledge<br />

which brings about the annihilat ! on of the defiling forces"...,.....<br />

76-b 7.—de bdag-gis rab-tu-ses-so £es-bya-har rlom-sems med-do. deyah<br />

hdi-ltar ran-bzin stoh-pa dan —*'But he must not become<br />

possessed of conceit, thinking :—I have such a power of cognition.—<br />

Indeed (this knowledge) is devoid of a real essence of its own"<br />

etc.— 1 ksanti=bzod-pa, 2 dharma-jfiana = choS'£es.<br />

3 anvaya jnana-\santi and anvaya-jnana. Cf. below, Chapters<br />

II and III.<br />

THE <strong>ABHISAMAYALAMKARA</strong> 47<br />

reality of all the separate elements of existence, meditates<br />

over this Path as the antidote against the points that are<br />

to be shunned. 1 Himself, he is free from all imputed<br />

views (regarding the Path as a separate reality), just aa<br />

a magician who produces iliusionary forms (does not<br />

admit the reality of the apparitions called forth by him). 2<br />

[Sphut. 12b. 1-3.] mthon-bahi lam bden-pa bits<br />

bsdus-pa sJ^ad-cig-ma bcu-drug-gi no-bo-nid chos dan<br />

rjes~su~ses~pahi bzod-pa dan ses-pahi bdag~fiid4a.rnal~<br />

hbyor-pa chos thams-cad no-fco-nid-med-par Hogs-pas<br />

sgyu-ma-mkhan-bzin-du ihams-cad-la mnon~par~zen~pa<br />

med-pahi lus-can des spon-bar-bya-bahi dfios-pohi gnenpo-nid-du<br />

rnam-pGr-sgom-par-byed-do zes~ston-pa mihoh*<br />

bahi lam-la hdoms-pa. 3<br />



Just as it is impossible to establish (from<br />

the standpoint of the Absolute) an essential<br />

difference between the active principle (of the Path) and<br />

the immutable principle (of the negation or extinction of<br />

Phenomenal Existence) 4 in regard to each other,—similarly<br />

the Paths of Illumination and of Concentrated Contemplation<br />

cannot be regarded as two separate entities,<br />

inasmuch as there is no difference regarding the object<br />

of these Paths, viz., the (Absolute) reality which is first<br />

intuited on the Path of Illumination. 5 The Path of Concentrated<br />

Contemplation, accordingly, cannot appear as<br />

having a real essence of its own. (From the empirical<br />

standpoint), however, this Path is to be meditated over<br />

as the antidote against the points that are to be shunned<br />

by it. (In such an asoect it appears) as causally<br />

dependent (on the Peth of Illumination).—<br />

The defiling forces which are produced by imputed views<br />

2 Lun. I. 163a. 3-4.<br />

3 Pane. I. 84a. 6-7.—Rab-hbyor khyod byah-chen-rnams-la ser» # ©<br />

phyinla brtsams-te spobs-pa bskjjeddg.—**O Subhuti, thou must •<br />

have a sudden full and clear knowledge as regards the Bodhisattvas<br />

who act...etc/*<br />

4 Sic. ace. to Rtgs-dk. 35b. 2-3 and Rnam-bsad, 71a. 2-3.<br />

5 Rnam-bsad, 71a. 3.

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