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50 ANALYSIS OF<br />

Limits: The study of the Mahayanistic Instructions<br />

begins before the Bodhisattva's entering the Path and<br />

lasts till the attainment of Buddhahood. 1<br />

[Don. 4. b 4.] sa-mtshams lam ma-zugs-nas sans-rgyaskyi<br />

sahi bdr~du yod.<br />

Character of study. He, who is worthy 2 »<br />

listens to the Mahayanistic precepts even before entering<br />

the Path. One who for many aeons has taken recourse to<br />

the help of a Buddha or a spiritual teacher is considered<br />

to be a worthy hearer ("a worthy receptacle of the Doctrine**).<br />

[Ibid. 4b. 5.] theg-chen gdams-hag-ni lamma-zugs-pa-las<br />

snod dag-pas kyafi gsan-pa yod4a.<br />

sans-rgyas-sam dge-bahi bses-gnen bsfyal-pa du-mar<br />

brten-nas nan-pahi snod-du run-bar bsad-do.<br />

The 20 Varieties of the (Mahayanistic)<br />

Congregation (as a Special Subject of the<br />

Mahayanistic Instructions.)<br />

ni-su.—Kar. I. 23, 24. 1<br />

[1. The 5 srota-apannah (incl. the Caudidates).—2. The 3 sakrdagaminah.—3.<br />

The 10 anagaminah.—4. The Candidate to Arhatship.—5.<br />

The Pratyekabuddha.]<br />

As concerns the Jewel of the Congregation which<br />

consists of the Bodhisattvas endowed with a more feeble<br />

or a more acute intellectual faculty etc.—the following<br />

varieties are to be taken into consideration :—<br />

1<br />

1 and 2 The Candidates to t h e fi r st<br />

result. These are the Saints who, taking recourse to<br />

the Path of Illumination of 16 moments, which is discussed<br />

below in the Chapter concerning the Omniscience in regard<br />

to the Path, have realized the first 15 moments. 2 —<br />

Such a candidate can be of 2 kinds, viz, one who acts on<br />

the foundation of faith, 3 and the other who bases upon<br />

the intuition of the Truth. 4 —<br />

(Sphut. 13 b. 1-2.] hchad-par-hgyur-bahi lam~ses~panid-kyis<br />

bsdus~pa rnthon-bahi lam 5 skad-cig-ma bcu-drug-<br />

1 Jn accordance with the Sutralamkara XIV. 3.—dharma-srotasi<br />

buddhebhyo* vavadarn li@bhate tada,—some consider that the Bodhisattva<br />

begins to apprehend the Mahayanistic instructions after<br />

having attained the state of transic meditation called dharma-srotahsamadhi,<br />

i.e. on the highest degree of the Path of Accumulating<br />

Merit. This refers only to the highest forms of the teachings;<br />

in general, the Bodhisattva commences his study before entering<br />

the Path (Rtogs dk. 26a. 5-b 1.).<br />

2 Lit, **a receptacle" (bhajana~sncd). Cf. below. Chapter IV<br />

1 In the Tibetan literature special manuals are dedicated to<br />

this subject. The varieties of the Congregation from the Hinayanistic<br />

point of view are discussed in the 6th Kosasthana of the<br />

Abhidharmakosa and its commentaries.<br />

2 Sic. ace. to the Abhis. aloka. Cf. Yasomitra, II Kosasthana,<br />

32.15. Ace. to the Rnam-bsad 78a. 6-b 1., this is the Hlnayanistic<br />

(Vaibhasika) point of view, but not that of Haribhadra and Vimuktasena,<br />

ace. to whom the candidate spoken of becomes such, having<br />

realized the first 8 moments (i.e. the anantarya-marga).<br />

3 The Saint of a more feeble intellectual faculty.<br />

4 The Saint of an acute intellectual faculty. In the Pane, the<br />

20 varieties of the Congregation are spoken of in detail (59b. 3-66b. 5.<br />

Cf. Appendix).<br />

5 It is interesting to note that the Sphut omits paficadasasu<br />

'darsandrnarga-citta~ksanesu = rnthon~bahi lam-gyi sems-k,yi s<br />

ino bcoAnala.

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